Speaking Truth to Power: Yes, No, Maybe So, The Advisor's Dilemma
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This article is an open invitation for wisdom from the broader community of insights practitioners (in #Strategy, #Market Intelligence, #Competitive Intelligence, #Consumer Insights, Strategic #Foresight, #Military Intelligence), who regularly engage with decision makers and must constantly be change managing and managing expectations.
We have all experienced a time during client and stakeholder engagements when speaking "Truth to Power," led straight into, perhaps the most pernicious of all trade-off #choices to #consulting and #advising relationships, the strategic #dilemma of whether to:
"Give the client stakeholder what they WANT, versus give them what they NEED."
This dilemma appears in many hero's journeys, notably in the film, "The Dark Knight" where Batman sacrifices his heroic brand so Harvy Dent can be remembered as a heroic martyr and still serve the greater good.
Do you remember how you were at odds, or perhaps put into an antagonistic position with one or more of your clients?
In the business (and military) world this dilemma emerges from several factors:
Litterature on the topic helps define the difference between wants and needs, understand those wants and needs, suggests ways of managing #stakeholder expectations, and mange manage groups of people as an indirect approach.
Are you struggling to find content that addresses this dilemma specifically?
I suspect the root cause of the matter is that the choice is not ours to make. Unlike the Dark Knight (Batman) who can decide to be the hero or villain because Harvey Dent is dead and Commissioner Gordon is complicit. We need the client to make that choice. And though we strongly wish to nudge them, we are ultimately powerless in the dynamic of #expert & #client.
Beyond anticipating the Wants and Needs better than the client and reducing surprises to what may follow, we may have run out of strategic options.
How did the Oracle in The Matrix know when to intervene and when to step back so the protagonist could chart their own course because they were ready to hear what needed to be heard?
I sincerely hope that I'll be able to edit this article with an update and further options - but for now, I kindly invite you to post in the comments what manner in which you have solved this Advisor's Dilemma when speaking truth to power.
B2B Product Management | SaaS | Mobile
5 个月I'm no expert on #Strategy or anything for that matter, but one statement here that do not fully agree to. The statement "And though we strongly wish to nudge them, we are ultimately powerless in the dynamic of #expert & #client.", may mostly be true in the given context that expert and client has no prior relation, and the expert hasn't directly or indirectly not established some sort of credibility in client's mind space. In such situations, what has worked for me is to put the best rationale for need but let client's judgement prevail, and so yes expert would seem powerless. In cases where a prior relation is present and expert has established some level of influence, then the nudge becomes easier. Also, expert generally has the option to walk out of that contract stating his objection which must also be the better option for his/ her career in the long run.