Speaking of the strength of the Union.  Obama boast of the strength of the OLD USA UNION of  321 million. He now looks like he is reaping corruption.

Speaking of the strength of the Union. Obama boast of the strength of the OLD USA UNION of 321 million. He now looks like he is reaping corruption.

Speaking of the strength of the Union. Obama boast of the strength of the OLD USA UNION of 321 million in such his last STRENGTH OF The UNION Speech.

He now looks like he is reaping corruption. Holy Ghost fire to unnu blood straw head: https://youtu.be/GANaIlOIjvA

Surely it is not the faggots and sodomizers of immigrants pestilence by night revelers who are pressing harder to give humanity Hope.

Love enables Hope, is maximizing creation to serve all levels by all enabled to be at work and make the scriptures come alive in our mind ~ The kingdom is coming. To him who keeps us from falling be Glory, honor, and majesty in all dominion by HIS Authority come SERVE ALL GOVERNMENT obliterating principalities'ism Hold them ONE CHINA POLICY and increase to the God Kingdom come, One Earth POLICY.

Jamaica Independence was what! Depending on who you ask. Don't ask the demons dem who stuff principalities'ism anthem up our ass for it is the thief who enters through the back door. and create people who don't have hears to hear. It was at gunpoint that they force me on plane to return to this culture of thieving shit. Deport me to Canada. It is cold there but warmer than the boundary extortion and thieving by non-serve all abominations to low per capita shame here. And Canada is bad, another Usury Hell. It has been only the promise of sharing and loosing into reality for all these understanding that made me ignore the fact that the last 11 years in Jamaica has been worst than death. And my kid must give up stupid and give up Jamaican shit. We are Global. The earth is the Lord's and the fullness there of and he has made us from before the foundation of the earth jointheir there of That is the only thing we are Everything less is just the splintering of lucifering to seperate us from god to him in luciferian ism being perpetuated by non serve all non creator kings abomination of desolation and principalitiesism goons. A stock of blood sucking thieves and perversed out pestilence by night defending their right to suck you out for being of the mind of the antichrist from which they all need to transform to mind in Christ Jesus explained in these publications of MAJESTY SHOCK TRAIL Property Development & Maintenance Products promoting serve all as unto the body of Christ remembered from the sidmemberment by lucific doctrines or philosophies of man exaltinf kingdoms of man over seek ye first the Kingdom of God for the need havens of thieves You hear that.

I hope you do with your hears. for I write issues of life off the word of God by which the Just live by the Holy Ghost convicting minds and hearts into The infinity of issues of Life loosing that is Christ Rivers of living waters That exalt a nation and there can only be one God Kingdom come. Love anything else and forcing into children you is a demon angel that is to be run away. Gu-way with that. Even Old USA national anthem Scarlet banner not the bread of life; that is principalities'ism for kingdoms of man division and strife being exalted above God Kingdom come.

A china alone unnu could not turn inna idiot.

And now they are opening more with their loosing on earth of the biggest investment for the GREATER good in human history The new Silk Road" for they know salvation is in Global - God Kingdom come where all Chinese are serve all Kings, double and triple Bill Gates even to infinity more.

They, the Chinese, are understanding in emerging serve-all emerging majestying that' and If I have my way so will every nigger even in seemingly for eternity divided principalities possessed Africa and everyone else; Despite the eight years exalted in Office clout by pleasure even fagot goon bama.

I am serving all preaching it and doing it even seemingly without job and stripped of liberty to live by Old USA immigration judge.

So should you all.

This that you are understanding is the new Earth.

Old Extreme infested with Demon presence passed away ~The ruler ship of the dark age including 'Jamaica Independence was what!' Shit heads say Jamaica is beautiful and contend with me Real prosperity fire to unnu bragging with the plants even just bush that Adam loosed to all on earth from so long ago seed times and harvest time set in eternal motion. Check out this third world country and be sure to correct whatever world blow unnu mind too much culture of mortal pleasure goon shit for issues of life from mind of anti-christ. and they know not. But aren't they reading these Publications I hope they are Knowing now It is time for God real wish that we prosper and be in good health as our soul prosper out of principalitiesism powers ism by thieves avoided by China in One party system for the last over 40 years unlike The Americas Jamaica included. Such shit Not Christ ~ the bread of life Unto: https://youtu.be/-dsRWTPwldc

I hear the most effective way to hide things from black people is put it in writing. You have to pleasure them. Like with music. Hit them with music. I bet that shit is not so in China

They trying to starve my ass into corruption flux but the Kingdom is coming.

It is surely the way to achieve more with no limit but is exponential growth to infinity Ever a JEDI But Blood suckers do everything to promote first, second and thief world poverty bed especially by principalities'ism that plunder serve all with boundary extortion shit by loothing exalted thieves for Cowism should not exist ~ a thief dem a thief ~ and forbid Serve all by them situation for saying "produce what we eat and eat what we grow like such antichrist Serve all is wise." Anti Christ and anti-China abomination of desolation. Jamaica is a dump of stagnation and old relics of pleasure goons and principalities'ism pride goons'ism into the globe site if we should video it. While we avoid seeing that see this https://youtu.be/JmiKWTRoiMk for the press to the high mark of our calling in Christ Jesus.

China is a Union of 1, 387 million. 'Seek ye first the kingdom of God ... is a Union of all on earth' - 7.3 billion plus ~ which China opening and New Silk Road initiative is a press towards. Time for the Americas and all Earth Spring to the God Kingdom come. All a first planet-wide consciousness to realizing and achieving Seek ye FIRST the Kingdom of God and overcome the world principalities'ism for all having crown of life.

JESUS says "To him, that overcomes the world, I will give a crown of life. That is emerging reality to all of us as serve all kings and lords like Bill Gates and more {That China understands meekly so exploding growth potential} if this petition is accepted as a 'preaching for its loosing as our only socially engineered reality the 'Kingdom of God come' to all the earth.' It is such an abominable waste and wrong to be repented from to be plundering, marginalizing our strongest in the Americas with even headline like

For deal on 'Dreamers,' White House will demand crackdown on child border crossers https://click.email.bostonglobe.com/?qs=bce2d55347d501c2c41d32957df353a03f37dc38fff2a952c95d736376fb2caceb4ef3bbb2f55f7ad56d841b534ef6bbe42f3ef6a55e824bea5e693c2da8dacb

and sodomizing the immigrants of the Americas and all earth in the Americas. by the supposedly Great presidents of America thinking they can make America great.

Getting rid of the "White house" and replacing it with a "one party System Chinese House Global " serving all Earth including all the Americas" would be better for us all on the planet by leaps. That is actually the nature of God Kingdom come

Serve all

with a ONE Earth Policy

The Lender, not the borrower. (And borrowing in the is a Federal Extortion by private Bankers through Federal reserve claiming value that the lend the people via the Satanument at interest that is False value like the claim of a counterfeiter)

One Party more than one party in a principality are powers that block prosperity and good health by corruption -- Gaze at God Spirit more at work https://youtu.be/62dotawwmHw

We wrestle not against Flesh and Blood but against principalities, against powers ....

There are 487 (2.8 million populated) Jamaica in 1,387 million populated China but so many principalities is avoided by ONE CHINA POLICY That is more christian than the WEST/or the Americas of 982 million. That is how many Jamaicas Actually the Americas is demon possessed by 55 Principalities. Hence Trump Election and Gluttony for tormenting 14 million immigrants and another 1 billion kept out to more poverty to avoid being considered and Profiled undocumented or illegal. This battle for God kingdom come Kingdoms of man becoming Kingdom of God where we stand fast in the liberty wherein christ Jesus makes us free must be understood and be loosed on earth as our victory. It is loosing on earth Christ enemy being made his foot stool for Christ return for the greatest prosperity and good health on earth for all It is what we loose on earth that God loose in heaven and he is waiting for us to loose the soul prosperity of all being Global in Christ liberty all being serve all expeciall as so called government. what we loose on earth God is forced to loose in heaven We have the keys to the kingdom of heaven being our reality Obliterate what we wrestle against China leads us to Kingdom come We are all to seek first the kingdom of God come .... We have been loosing the rulership of the dark age in luciferianism giving him his contemp for humans in the strife we wallow in like saying 'Jamaica little but talawa' {China aint allowing that shit for any little part like Jamaica Why do we in the Americas and earth Pride is to infinity preceeding the fall} and God bless America not meaning America but a more non serve all abominable just 1/3 of it 321 million of the 982 million that is and of the 25 billion that America should be 1/3 of the lands and see should justly have 13 of the 7.3 billion+ so 2.5 billion all one with unified borderless earth with reliance only on being negiviers to infinity serve-all Kings ever honing creation skills and loosing ever to greater Glory and new values values for less. Why arent just serve all BILL Gates type personality just Government. National ism principalities nothingness is antichrist serve-all highmark of our calling in Christ God kingdom come. Donald Trump is not serve all a exalted one yes even as a billionaire but not serve all even when he gets the opportunity to He choose and had long trap himselve in antichrist nationalism exploiting the fallings of man for power into a snare of Luciferianism incapable of greatness without she major shedding of blood and to victor goes the spoils thiefery from the head of the supposedly free world in Cowism. He can change by accepting the Holy Ghost conviction that that is what he prance Globally A Old USA out of Global leadership as he resort to boundary extortion and denying Old USA of cheap labor from the best of the world.

Donald Trump has single-handedly stult Tesla from already grown and serving all on earth with sales levels reaching all 7.3 billion of us on earth. He could have already lift 1 billion out of poverty but most of them are not in America. Can He make America great again against the last 40 years and current Grace Glory of China exponentially Jedi'ing.

Xi Jingping would have done the extreme opposite for a hundred suck global brand maybe just for confessed he forsee a future earth embued in peace and prosperity and more openess and no plundering and sodomizing of global workers by his stance of no corruption no free meal no pie in the sky extortion. I never see any body praying for Xi jingpin but he is a bigger christian in effect and truth than three immigrant wifes and other grap them by the P reputation is liard infidel uninterested it seemed in seeing us all being Abraham seeds being blessing to all the families of the earth in infinity of ways; That is Global Trump. Thats God Kingdom come. God bless America the way it is being said in all my life time is a issue of death or corrupt communication from our whoever say it or similiar for any principalitiesism mouth. God fall his rain on all. God predestined all as the greatest servants who serve all triple BIll Gates and even more in the greatest prosperity and good health even eternal life for all in Christ we are loosing on the earth and in omnipresence in this coming Ages of GRACE eternal reign of Christ we a loose on the earth.

I tell you they all obey the word of God

'Have no fellowship with unfruitful work of darkness' in their country of origin.


"Go to the uttermost place of the earth" in pursuit of life more abundantly for all doing good and speaking for good enabling all.

See, consider, sign and gain more signatures as support for the Petition rightly at


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and enable this Americas and Earth Spring Movement by Miesty Shock trail Music too effective to spur all 7.3 billion+ of us loosing God Kingdom come and all his righteousness His will and ways being the life we live to His good pleasure. It is God will that we prosper and be in good health as our souls live soul prosperity. Not possible s thieves buy as net givers of values for less to infinity served to all enabling all into serve all mode Christ enemy being made his footstool for his return Millennial reign Jedied of his reign there will be no end

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Donate. and enable this Americas and Earth Spring Movement by Majesty Shock trail Music too effective to spur all 7.3 billion+ of us loosing God Kingdom come and all his righteousness His will and ways being the life we live to His good pleasure. It is God will that we prosper and be in good health as our souls live soul prosperity. Not possible s thieves buy as net givers of values for less to infinity served to all enabling all into serve-all mode Christ enemy being made his footstool for his return Millennial reign Jedied of his reign there will be no end.


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