Speaking Publicly -ON LINE!?
Some readers here have attended one of my recent ONLINE public speaking courses. But it seems strange perhaps to some of you that a Public Speaking course for a live audience can be conducted online!! Well, most of it can-except the dress rehearsal in a live venue with living people!?
However, there are still different things you need to think about when planning a presentation speech or training event through these virtual platforms. If you don’t, the whole thing can go wrong, badly wrong. ?
What do you do? -before, during and after a presentation online?
Based on conversations with people who have sat on both sides of the screen I have produced a free checklist containing 28 questions to think about before, during and after the Teams or Zooms experience. And a 9 point “Code of Practice” on the behaviour and protocols you should expect everyone to observe. Get in touch if you would like a free copy. [email protected]