Speaking Our Truth
Maura Sweeney Ambassador of Happiness (R)
Podcaster | Speaker | Goodwill Ambassador
Are you speaking your truth?
If you are, how are you choosing to communicate it?
In the past few days, I heard the expression “speaking your truth” referenced twice. On both occasions, the adage struck me in a positive fashion.
As I considered the manner in which we convey our belief systems to others, the expression seemed to challenge me anew.
I had been listening intently on a global summit to two people who paved different life paths. Creatives with their own social and entrepreneurial bents, they had followed their hearts. Rather than following conventional wisdom or the status quo, they answered to an inner calling instead.
As these people shared elements of their backgrounds, I realized that “speaking one’s truth” carried a deeper meaning — one that clearly went beyond words. As a result of their intentions, actions and presumably tireless efforts, these two people carried a natural presence.
Their presence was tangible and apparent. They needed few, if any, words to convey who they were or what they stood for. They were living their truth in the flesh.
Spoken another way, their inner lives had transformed into externalized realities that could be understood or read by others.
I’m reminded here of the compelling description of Jesus, known as “the word made flesh,” who became the embodiment of his own message.
The following apt quote from another source also speaks about this powerful physiological phenomena:
“The mind is everything. What you think you become.” ~ Buddha
In light of present day strife, division and miscommunication, I’m impressed to consider the power of presence as a higher way of conveying our truth.
Speaking our truth with mere words is a mixed bag. On the one hand, it empowers us to step out of the shadows and declare our genuine beliefs. But speaking our truth can be perceived as effrontery, an abrasive or arrogant way to ramrod one’s opinions down the throats of others.
What adds confusion to “speaking our truth” is when words we employ are misinterpreted or misconstrued.
Words, frequently assigned to negative or inflammatory labels and symbols, can evoke different meanings than those we intend. Used alone, they can fail us in conveying the messages we wish to share and frustrate our best efforts to make ourselves heard.
Fortunately, we’re living in an era when a solid, genuine and sincere presence may trump the din of conflict. It can lift our common human spirit up to higher planes.
A well-lived physical presence might even contribute to what many of us desire: a world of peace, understanding and collective goodwill.
If you’ve considered “speaking your truth” in various settings and contemplated how your words might be interpreted, I hope you scroll down and listen to my latest podcast. In it, I explore the idea of speaking truth and changing outcomes through our inherent character and presence.
It’s an alternative way of communicating that can bring welcome unity to bridge divides and comforting closure to otherwise insurmountable gaps.
Listen here or click the image below to hear Podcast 094: Speaking Your Truth.
Wishing you happy new levels of verbal -- and nonverbal - communication as you speak your truth!
Maura Sweeney is an International Speaker on Influence, Leadership and Emotional Intelligence
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