Speaking Anxiety Can’t Touch You When You Know This: Part 2 of 2

Speaking Anxiety Can’t Touch You When You Know This: Part 2 of 2

Remember the feeling of falling in love? That one moment with one person that really stands out? Take a moment and go back in time—you knew it was love, yet no one had spoken it. You knew it in your bones.

Remember? After all this time, it’s still exhilarating.

How about the next moment when this person came into the room. It was a funny feeling, right? You felt it with your whole body. (That’s universal.)

Odds are high it felt something like this: Pulse (sped up). Heart rate (pounding). Mouth (you just lost all your spit). Tongue (feels like a shoe). Palms & Armpits (rivers are flowing out—that’s probably where your spit went! That river might extend to the backs of your knees, the insides of your elbows and even the middle of your back.) That’s how you know it’s really LOVE.

Here’s the Everyday Communication Sorcery: Think about your last experience speaking—go back in time and feel your body sensations.

Odds are high it felt something like this: Pulse (sped up). Heart rate (pounding). Mouth (you just lost all your spit). Tongue (feels like a shoe). Palms & Armpits (rivers are flowing out—that’s probably where your spit went—that river can also extend to the backs of your knees, the insides of your elbows and the middle of your back.) That’s how you know you’re terrified, and you should never speak in public.

?WAIT A MINUTE!! Isn’t this the exact same physiology as being in LOVE???

Absolutely. Congratulations! The feeling we label ‘Love” and the feeling we label “speaking anxiety” have the EXACT. SAME. PHYSIOLOGY.

Here’s the Sorcery: understand that it’s only your conscious mind that labels these two experiences differently. Neuroscience has proven that the poet Dante was right: we can make a hell of heaven and a heaven of hell—with our thoughts.

Speaking anxiety can never touch you when you realize you have a choice about labeling your sensory experience. Once you consciously go back in your memory and bring up that feeling of Love, you will know in your bones that the physiology is an identical match with speaking anxiety.

This practice has helped thousands of people around the world for over 25 years in my PowerSpeak? classes (now Speaking Sorcery?). It’s 100% effective. My speakers are astonished at how simple it is. Once they try it, they keep the habit—because it completely changes their experience. It takes them right back to their conversation with friends and family where their words flow amidst an authentic connection.

How do you do it? If you’ve read this article, you know how: experience that memory of falling in love and check your physiology. Then examine your memory of speaking anxiety and match your physiology.

Take the opportunity to speak more—and when you feel that feeling you used to label as anxiety, say to yourself, “I really love this audience!” That will make you laugh, release you from any anxiety and allow you to connect to this audience with your whole heart.


Maia Beatty, MA, BCC, CICW的更多文章

