Speakers must do this if they are to be successful in 2017

Speakers must do this if they are to be successful in 2017

Speakers Must do This if they are to be successful in 2017

By Douglas Vermeeren, The Speaking Business Multiplier

Over the years I have spent time with a lot of people wanting to grow a business in the speaking or coaching industry. More often than not those individuals remain anonymous and broke. The personal development industry is highly competitive with many people feeling that they have empowerment to offer. Many times they are right- they do have great strategies to offer and they are excellent at delivering their content either on stage or working in groups or with individuals. But these individuals seem to struggle to create a thriving predictable business that provides value long term to their audiences. Why is that? What mistakes are they making? What is being left out?

Here are a few considerations that you should think about if you are looking to create a sustainable speaking or coaching business:

  1. You must get dialled in to the current marketplace conversation – It is essential that know what is being talked about in your niche. You much be aware of the conversation and be able to contribute in meaningful ways. You can’t rely on content or ideas that you were teaching a year ago or even six months ago. What worked yesterday won’t work today. The world is changing faster than ever before. You must know what’s happening now and strive to become a leader int he conversation. If you want to be relevant to your audiences or your students you must know what is relevant. Too many speakers develop a “signature talk” (Which is actually the old way of doing things anyhow) and then they stick to it for years. If you want to be relevant today you need preview sessions which are adaptable to the audience you are interacting with. You must know your content and the marketplace so well that you can be valuable in any setting. We have a saying among my students about content that, If you know i, you can flow it.” You must spend time each day dialling into the conversation and expanding your content knowledge.
  2. You must have an effective business model with a planned sales funnel – Too often less successful coaches and speakers are flying by the seat of their pants. They don’t have a business model other than to speak and get paid or speak and sell. Alone these are also archaic models of what used to work in the 1990s. You need to recognize what business models are being used in your niche market and what others could be implemented by you to work for you. The business of your business is to become profitable. And if you are not profitable you will not get the privilege to continue. Your best business models will begin as you are able to identify where your students and you can create a transaction. The speaking business or coaching business is a business. Transactions are necessary if you are going to stay in business. (More on this later) As for sales funnels they are essential. You need to know the map of where you are going to take each student. Even if they choose not to go the full distance with you you need to know the route. If you don’t know they will sense it and they will lack confidence in you. (We will talk more about funnels later as well.)
  3. Plan to market – The world is like a big library. If you don’t know the name of the book as you come in the door you will often have a hard time finding it. In the same way there may be people looking for you and your content right now but if they have never heard of you or what you do they will never find you. There are many easily accessible and affordable ways to market your speaking or coaching business today it can be very easy if you know how to attract clients through appropriate messaging. The challenge that many speakers have is that they don’t know who they are well enough to share it with others. Try this as an expert: Describe what you do, who you serve and what results they will get inside of one sentence. And ONLY ONE SENTENCE. Can you do it? Most speakers can’t. When you are can describe yourself in terms that are specific and clear, your audience will be attainable and near. Get clarity! The second part of marketing today is not promotion who you are – it’s actually being who you are. People expect you to teach! They want to feel as though you can deliver the results. Personal development marketing today is about building tribes and relationships instead of rushing right into a sale. People expect to get to know you and your content before they will trust you with their money.

As I have taught these 3 strategies along with a few others I have seen my speaker students gain more speaking opportunities, build great following and brand loyalty and witnessed massive expansions in their income. The speaking business is much more strategic than most people realize, but if you know what to do it can be very lucrative.


Douglas Vermeeren, The Speaking Business Multiplier

Are you ready to level up your speaking business? Douglas Vermeeren is the Speaking Business Multiplier. You can only teach others if you’ve done it yourself and his tool are helping speakers: Create highly profitable speaking businesses, Position themselves as experts, Attract media attention, Get publishing deals, Get more speaking gigs, Speak internationally and JV with other top names in the business. The Speaking Business Multiplier has done this and more and now his systems and secrets can be yours. His clients include beginning speakers all the way to movie and music celebrities, professional and Olympic athletes, top business leaders and other speakers just like YOU!

He has been consistently rated by the media as the top speaker trainer in the world today with the most comprehensive and powerful tools available. Other trainers stop at presentation skills while Vermeeren is the only one who helps you build the speaking business systems that you need for success. Come find out why all the top speakers are working with him! https://www.DouglasVermeeren.com


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