Speaker - BMEE 2023 Australian Bushfire Building Conference
After 3 years away from public speaking, I must admit that I was feeling extremely anxious getting up on the stage again, especially in front of such a large knowledgeable audience. Believe me, the fear of freezing on stage is real and can be very confronting, but after a few coffee's, smokes and some kind words of support from Stephen Kip Patrick Motteram Masis Altun Maria Kornakova Byron Campbell Karan Shetty John Rakic (aka Hound) Ross Jackson Louise Kempster , I got up there and got on with it.
8 slides from my 38 slide PowerPoint presentation below;
I believe, that what we do, individually and as an industry, matters, our actions or inaction's can have a serious effect on others. For a full copy of my presentation please click on this link: https://hexagon-herring-fr4r.squarespace.com/s/rev-2-BMEE-PRESENTATION-TK.pdf
I understand that Agnes Zalan from the BMEE will be uploading videos of all the speakers, presentations from this years event to their website portal. https://bushfireconference.com.au/
I would like to thank Agnes Zalan for organising such a vital conference and all the Sponsors & Exhibitors whose contributions helped to make this event happen. I would also like to thank all of the other speakers for their informative contributions for the betterment of our Industry.
Peter Apps Thank you for sharing your book with the World. "Show Me The Bodies How We Let Grenfell Happen" is both a compelling and harrowing read. A must for all those involved within the fire protection industry from Design through to a Compliant Sign off, and to those in the Emergency services & Government, who are employed to protect the Public and their asset's.
If anyone would like a completely 3rd Party training session for themselves or/and your staff to ensure that you're meeting the "Evidence of Suitability" Compliance requirements of the NCC (BCA) and all relevant Australian Standards & Test Methods contained within it. Please give me a call 0416 586301 and I can carry out a bespoke training session for your specific element of the Passive Fire Protection Industry, whether it be: