Speak to your audience through your story
Knowing our audience will help us tell our story that will resonate with them. (Photo by Dani Hart from Pexels)

Speak to your audience through your story

What do you notice when you ask someone about something he is passionate about? Doesn’t he start off on this exciting path of a story, telling it from birth to present, with finite details and side stories? He’s intimately attuned to all the nuances of this thing that you know nothing about. So you nod and smile, and wonder when he’ll finish.


Or the colleague who shows you all the pictures she’s taken of her first grandchild, that morning — all 200 photos.


We’ve all done it: shared stories about things, our adventures, our family, because we’re excited, so therefore, shouldn’t everyone else be just as excited?


We know, however, that not everyone is as thrilled as we are. And that is simply because they are the wrong audience for our story. If you talk about golf with an avid golfer, there will be an exhilarating round of back and forth. Sharing stories about grandchildren with another grandma will elicit some funny episodes happily shared.


The right audience “gets” us. When it comes to sharing our company story, the first thing we need to do is find the right audience. They will listen, they will be excited, and they will be eager to support us and tell all their friends about how awesome we are.


When we understand who our target audience is and share our story with them, it will resonate and lead to action and profit.


Find your target audience


Whether you are a business owner, an author writing your first novel or nonfiction book, or a copywriter working with companies, your work says nothing to the wrong people. People buy from people with whom they relate and feel they have a connection with.


To speak to your target audience, you first have to find them. Look at your business and organization to determine who your ideal customer is. Because it isn’t everyone, much as we’d like to seduce ourselves into thinking everyone loves us. Is our audience working mothers? Are they arts lovers? Do they fall into the middle class or wealthy income bracket? Are they parents with special needs children?


Talk with your stakeholders, board members, staff and others who represent your organization and learn how they see your business.


Research your competitors and other similar organizations to learn who they cater to. Who are their customers?


Review your values, mission and operations. Who fits into who and what you represent?


Your goal is to narrow your target audience to speak specifically to them. Don’t leave your marketing to chance and hope someone in the wind will like it. Your story will have more impact on the right people.


Speaking to your audience


Once you know your target audience, it will be easier for you to have a conversation with them because they “get” you. You won’t have to explain everything and fill in the blanks for others who don’t know your business and what you’re trying to accomplish. Your messaging is in a language they comprehend.


Focus on the people who understand what you are about and who see themselves in your goals and services. Be specific, not vague.


You won’t have to alter your message to fit into a mold that isn’t who you are.


Knowing your audience helps with your messaging, your marketing, and your grant applications. You know exactly who will benefit from what you offer and represent. This will save you time and effort because you’ve done the legwork at matching. You are simply opening the door to invited guests.

Here is today’s takeaway: We learn how to speak to our audience once we know who our target audience is. Your target audience “gets” you and understands the message you are trying to convey. Your organization’s story will resonate with them because they see themselves in that story. Focus on the people who identify with you to build loyal connections.

And one more thing — My new program for storytelling and branding helps you recognize your story and learn how to effectively use it to build better engagement and increase sales. To learn more, reach out to me at jmlacey.com.

Okay, last thing: Did you like what you read today? Please share with someone who might benefit from this using one of the share links.

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About the author:

Johnna Lacey is the CEO of J.M. Lacey Communications, LLC, which focuses on writing and brand storytelling, training and coaching. Built on empathy and the desire to eliminate frustration for business owners, leaders, and nonprofits, J.M. Lacey Communications seeks ways to simplify what has been unnecessarily complicated using proven systems to achieve results.

She can be reached through her website: jmlacey.com, or via email: [email protected].

(Photo by Dani Hart from Pexels)


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