Speak Up or Shut Up To Brighten Every Room
Wes- Schaeffer
12 Weeks To Peak Founder | Human-2-Human Sales | Keynote Speaker | Creator CRMQuiz.com | AF Vet | BJJ Brown Belt
From today’s reading...
“So shall my word be
that goes forth from my mouth;
It shall not return to me void,”
Isaiah is quoting the Lord in today’s reading as he equates the words of God to how the waters from the sky first help nourish the earth before returning to the sky.
But we know that every silver lining has a dark cloud.
Rains can cause floods while snow can cause avalanches.
Are your words creative and nourishing or harmful and destructive?
Every word that leaves your mouth—or your keyboard—are impacting everyone who comes across them.
You are hardening or softening the hearts of everyone within your sphere of influence with every syllable that escapes your lips.
You are making the world lean in to learn more about you, your message, your heart, your ambitions, your goals, your passion, and compassion...or push back and turn away with their minds made up that you are to be avoided and ignored at best, or ridiculed and attacked at worst.
Believe it or not, you brighten every single room—including online chat rooms—every single day of your life. The question is, do you brighten the room when you enter or when you leave?
Using your words to bring us closer together is the only way to...
Stay the course.
Keep the faith.