
As a little girl, when I was at home where I felt safe, I laughed, I sang, and I was heard. But I was painfully shy in school. Not only was I shy, but also terrified to put my hand up, to speak in front of the class and let them hear what I thought. I was afraid I’d say something stupid or give a wrong answer to a question. One day, I went so far as to fake laryngitis, grabbing my throat and mouthing the words, “I can’t speak.” True story.


If I could tell my former 7-year-old self that I would ultimately stand on stage, sing and perform in front of over 2000 people in The Phantom of The Opera in Toronto, how would that have changed the trajectory of my life? How much more confidence would I have if I had put up my hand and spoken all those years ago?


“It only takes one voice, at the right pitch, to start an avalanche.”?– Dianna Hardy.


When it comes to the fear of speaking in front of others, I know from experience that it can be conquered. Step by step and word by word, I allowed my voice and message to ring out. I took lessons from a vocal coach. I put myself and my talent out in the world for auditions, mastered my voice, and shared my techniques with others. At the same time, I honed my essential listening skills.


Top Tips

  • If you and your team are invited to join a meeting at work, speak out and show the other participants you are an integral part of the discussion. Share your thoughts.


  • Speak with confidence, and don’t start by apologizing. Eliminate the “I’m sorry, but….” State what you’d like to share clearly, and know it needs to be heard.


  • If you’re introverted and feel uncomfortable sharing new ideas, demonstrate that you’re actively listening and invested by summarizing and appreciating other team members’ thoughts.


  • Ask questions. If you don’t have solutions, open the door for others to provide answers.


  • Breathe before you speak, and while you do, think confident thoughts and that intention will come through in your voice.


One of the most important lessons I needed to learn was to speak out because what I have to say, counts. It doesn’t need to be confrontational or argumentative. In fact, at times, it may be the same message others share but in your own words. So get those ideas out of your head and into the world – your voice matters. You matter.?


Sandra Margolese

Creator and Coach of?Finding Your Voice

Connection is key!





