Speak Up: Elevate Your Research Reach with GenAI Magic
?? Bonnie Zink, KMb??
Knowledge Mobilization Specialist | Plain Language Champion | GenAI Prompt Engineer
In the fast-paced world of research, keeping up with the latest communication trends and techniques is essential for success. However, many researchers lack formal training in research communication, making it difficult to effectively translate their findings for broader audiences.
This lack of training can present significant challenges for researchers seeking to maximize the impact of their work. Without the necessary skills and knowledge, researchers may struggle to effectively communicate their findings to diverse audiences, hindering the dissemination and uptake of their research.
Advancements in artificial intelligence, particularly GenAI, offer solutions to this challenge. GenAI provides researchers with access to a wealth of training resources and tools designed to enhance their communication skills and knowledge. From online courses and tutorials to interactive workshops and webinars, GenAI empowers researchers to develop their communication abilities and become more effective advocates for their research.
The importance of training in research communication for boosting the impact and visibility of research is well understood. Training programs have been shown to significantly enhance researchers' ability to engage with diverse audiences. Additionally, online courses are effective in improving researchers' communication skills. The more communication skills researchers have, the more powerful and mobile their knowledge is. Effectively communicating research to those who can affect positive change helps make the world a better place.
By investing in training and development opportunities for researchers, institutions can equip their faculty with the tools and knowledge they need to effectively communicate their findings and drive positive change in society. Together, let's empower researchers with the training and support they need to share their work with the world.
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Knowledge Nugget: Take advantage of training resources and tools offered by GenAI to enhance your research communication skills and maximize the impact of your work.
Alawamleh, Mohammad, et al. “The Effect of Online Learning on Communication between Instructors and Students during Covid-19 Pandemic.” Asian Education and Development Studies, vol. ahead-of-print, Aug. 2020. ResearchGate, https://doi.org/10.1108/AEDS-06-2020-0131.
Besley, John, et al. “Scientists’ Views About Communication Training.” Journal of Research in Science Teaching, vol. 52, Feb. 2015. ResearchGate, https://doi.org/10.1002/tea.21186.
Brownell, Sara E., et al. “Science Communication to the General Public: Why We Need to Teach Undergraduate and Graduate Students This Skill as Part of Their Formal Scientific Training.” Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education, vol. 12, no. 1, Oct. 2013, pp. E6–10.
Community-Based Research: Engaging Universities in Technology-Related Knowledge Exchanges - ScienceDirect. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S147177271830174X. Accessed 15 July 2024.
Effect of Online Communication Skills Training on Effective Communication and Self-Efficacy and Self-Regulated Learning Skills of Nursing Students: A Randomized Controlled Study - ScienceDirect. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1471595322000853. Accessed 15 July 2024.
Greenwich Academic Literature Archive - Exploring the Role of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) in Higher Education: Values, Creativity, and Cultural Perspectives. https://gala.gre.ac.uk/id/eprint/47421/. Accessed 15 July 2024.
Harjam?ki, Janne, et al. The Report of 85 AI Tools?: GenAI Content Production: Enhancing Repeatability and Automation with ChatGPT. Tampere University, 2024. trepo.tuni.fi, https://trepo.tuni.fi/handle/10024/158346.
Kathleen Walch. “The Understated Soft Skill of Communication with AI.” Forbes Magazine, 2 July 2024, https://www.forbes.com/sites/kathleenwalch/2024/06/13/the-understated-soft-skill-of-communication-with-ai/#:~:text=Enhancing%20Communication%20skills%20for%20more,direct%20wording%20and%20specific%20examples.
Pinho, Isabel, and Sara Diogo. “Enhancing the Visibility and Impact of Scholarly Research: An Exploratory Study on Knowledge Production Settings.” Meta: Avaliacao, vol. 10, Dec. 2018, p. 502. ResearchGate, https://doi.org/10.22347/2175-2753v10i30.1606.
Reith‐Hall, Emma, and Paul Montgomery. “Communication Skills Training for Improving the Communicative Abilities of Student Social Workers.” Campbell Systematic Reviews, vol. 19, no. 1, Feb. 2023, p. e1309. PubMed Central, https://doi.org/10.1002/cl2.1309.
Rubin, Carolyn Leung, et al. “Creating a Culture of Empowerment in Research: Findings from a Capacity-Building Training Program.” Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action, vol. 10, no. 3, 2016, pp. 479–88.
Science Communication Training in North America: Preparing Whom to Do What With What Effect? - Anthony Dudo, John C. Besley, Shupei Yuan, 2021. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1075547020960138. Accessed 15 July 2024.