Speak the Truth.
The integrity of our word loses meaning when we lose consciousness of our own speaking. At many levels, we have become a society of sleepwalkers, forging our way through our routine until something happens to awaken us from the comfort of our daily lives. We are so polite and over-sensitized to the wounds of the world that we have stopped speaking many truths because they are simply uncomfortable and have no place in "civilized society." This tribal programming influences the most simplistic of daily human interactions. "How are you?" "I am fine."?"Fine" is a civilized response rather than a truth because we have either tuned out the question, realize that no one is genuinely interested in the answer or we have surrendered our being for doing and no longer know how we feel.
How much of your success is limited by the lack of thought accompanying your communication? How much of your day are you intentionally focused on??Do you have a reason for?living or are you simply existing because you again awakened and must do something to pass the time?
Today, set an alarm or appointment reminder for every two hours. When the alarm goes off, notice what you are thinking. What are your thoughts? Are they aligned with what you are trying to create in your life??You may find the results surprising.
Success or sabotage??Success is for the person who has contempt for the status quo; you must be willing to forge your own path, knowing that it is truly the only path that you could ever really travel.
Is this going to be an incredible day??What do you think?