Speak truth to bullsh*t, not power.
Jason Moore
I create impact at scale (culture/team/leaders). Creator of FAST Forward, Teamific and the 1-Page Culture Plan. Author and Speaker.
I don’t know who first coined the phrase ’talk truth to power’, but it has never quite worked for me (from a culture perspective).
Mostly because I don’t see a lot of power in organisations.
The people at the top seem more often out of control, caught in a never ending cycle of busy-busy crazy-busy. They are mostly (but not all) nice people, just doing the best they can.
Executives are the first to admit they feel more ‘put upon’ than powerful.
And middle managers are so squeezed between the needs of their bosses and the needs of their teams, they’re hierarchically impotent.
Where is all the power?
Ideas have power. Norms and expectations have power. Our entirely predictable reflex to our less than best selves, and to act against our own best interest, has power
While you can (and should) speak truth ABOUT these things, you can’t speak truth TO them because they’re just not capable of listening.
If hierarchical power is in short supply where can we direct our truth?
It’s everywhere. At every level of the organisation. And I’m not talking about lying or a devious intent to mislead... I’m talking about those moments we set aside the truth and just make sh*t up.
Most of the time it’s unconscious. Well intended, even.
But it’s still bullsh*t.
A couple of years ago I worked with a team whose CEO was finally ousted after years of inappropriate behaviour. The ousting was a concrete example of the company living its values, said they.
It was a too-little-too-late recognition that these behaviours had become so blatant the company was in danger of significant reputational damage.
The intervention needed at that moment was not speaking truth to power - after all, these executives evidently felt they had very little.
What they needed, what we all need, is a courageous few (or many) who will speak truth to bullsh*t (at all levels of the organisation).
Because speaking truth to bullsh*t is power... in the best sense of the word.
Hello. I'm Jason Moore.
I help organisations evolve their culture and transform their business by designing and facilitating the planets most ambitious and innovative culture transformations.
The process is simple (but not always easy).
First, we partner on the design of your burning ambition, mission or purpose, surface and activate your values, and define the habits and rituals that propel people forward.
Then, I we surface collective and individual limiting beliefs - the things you believe to be true that hold you back. If these are not resolved, all your best intentions will be undone.
The most common way to do this is through gatherings, where team members start the change journey by seeing things different, learn to be different, and promise to do different things.
I've worked with many Fortune 500 companies, including Microsoft, HSBC, Nordea, Netflix, Equinix and many more than 30+ countries.
If you'd like to chat about how I might be able to help you, I'd love to set up a time to talk. Connect here on Linkedin or via [email protected]...