Speak it right
Your business message needs speak clearly. More and more customers are integrate and moving across cultures and trends, therefore message can stay same as 6 month before. Culture of doing things change with business message. Everything change, even if you not see it, but your business image are changed with time. We tend to attach ourselves to past believes or create believes what we think are unique. But it is only our perception of realities around us. Around you and your business a lot of people who needs a different explanation of the same problem every day or month. And you know what...if you will be delivering your business message at different angle, then it is more probability to be heard by the wide society. Speak it right, what problem your business solve. Don't expect, don't wait, don't assume. Put the worlds into action with evidence, where you will be proving customer that your business are unique for him. Explain at different angle to different people how your business can solve problems for them. Show benefits what people will get from you. Do not concentrate on only money-making. Speak it right, for every niche, for every culture, for every differently speaker.