Speak Out.....Else it will hurt always......
In the morning when we hold the newspaper in our hands, the first things we see are the headlines of VIOLENCE or DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, most of the time which relates to one of us, Today I would like to share my views on the same.
A word which is so terrifying & horrible that explaining it in words is not easy at all. A state of mind where you are afraid to speak out about it, because of society, morals and other useless stuff we have been told or taught from our childhood.
Domestic Violence the word is easy to write or talk about, however not that easy to suffer. It breaks you from inside out and life becomes meaningless for the person who is going through with this phase.
The issue is that the one who is suffering will not let another know about this and the one who knows will not be able to support the victim during this phase, as no body wants to interfere in someone's life. Leave others your own family & friends will not support you in this crucial time, rather they want you to bear all the pain & want you to be still strong enough to deal with this. WHY?
No one will help you unless you help yourself, SPEAK OUT....... There are numerous way you can speak out & stop this if you are strong enough to handle the temporary ups & down or after effects of speaking out. People might not stand with you, not able to understand you or will find mistakes in you only or give you reasons which will make you weak but you still have to stand for yourself.
No one has the right to give you pain if he or she can't give you happiness. GOD has given us this life once and he has also given us the choice of living in our own way. No body has the right to make me suffer or hurt or bring tears to my eyes.
STOP this at first, don't wait for right time to come or giving chance or giving the apology as if it happens once it will surely happen again. Collect all the confidence in yourself, stand up & SPEAK out if you are going through with this. Speaking out at first will resolve it in an easy way.
Support the victims don't curse them for the situation.
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