Speak More, Lead More
The more you speak, the more you lead.

Speak More, Lead More

When we think of great leaders there are a few names that immediately come to mind: Nelson Mandela, Abraham Lincoln, Mother Teresa and other notable figures in world history. Renowned for their wisdom and courage in the face of adversity, we look at them as the blueprint for successful leadership.

Yet most leaders aren’t chosen for such inspirational qualities. Research published in The Leadership Quarterly (Volume 31, Issue 5) showed that it wasn’t intelligence or personality characteristics that led to the rise of a leader. No, it was how much they spoke in a group setting.

The researchers termed this the “babble hypothesis.” After putting university students in 33 groups comprised of four to ten to complete tasks, and then asking them to nominate leaders, it was usually the one who spoke the most who was selected. Every other factor fell by the wayside.?

What does this mean for people who want to become leaders? There is good news and bad news. On the positive side, there’s no special quality needed to attain leadership. They don’t need to study Barack Obama speeches or binge-watch charisma training videos on YouTube.

The bad news is that they need to talk. A lot. It doesn’t matter what they say, but how much they say it. If a person is more considered in their speech and prefers to carefully think before words leave their mouth, well, stop thinking and start talking. Management will come calling.?

Is there a way for more introverted workers to rise to leadership? One way to circumvent the babble and still stand out is by taking the risk to stand on a stage or lead a Zoom meeting. Volunteering to give speeches or presentations.?

Although most people dread the thought of public speaking, it offers a workaround to the babble. Presentations are careful and considered, prepared and practiced. More importantly, the speaker gains high exposure and looks like a leader. Maximum impact with no babble required.

Warren Buffet said it best: “You can improve your value by 50 percent just by learning communication skills — public speaking.”?

For any would-be leader out there: stand on stage, speak with confidence and you’ll be a far greater leadership prospect than the babblers trying to shortcut their way with blather.



