Speak the language of faith
Christopher Jesudason
Advisor - Marketing at VOC Port Authority ( One of the Major and busiest Harbour !
Speak the language of faith
We read in the 13th chapter of Numbers that the Israelites came to Kadesh Barnea on the border of the land of Canaan. This is the land that God promised them. It had been two years since they left Egypt (Deuteronomy 2:14). God told them to go and take possession of the land. The Israelites sent 12 spies to see the land.
The 12 came back and said that the country was a wonderful country. But ten of them said there are big giants whom we cannot overcome. (Numbers 13:27-29).
But two of them (Joshua and Caleb) answered that the Lord would help us to conquer those enemies. But those six million Israelites listened to what the majority said.
What can we learn from this? First of all following what the majority says is dangerous because the majority is always wrong. Jesus said that the road leading to life is narrow and few are the ones who find it. A large number will go to destruction in a broad way. If you follow the greater number you will surely go to destruction with them in a broad way.
Never assume that a large congregation is a spiritual congregation. There were only 11 members in Jesus' church. If ten leaders say one thing and two say something else, whose side will you be on? God was on side of two (Joshua and Caleb) here.
Satan and unbelief were on the side of the other ten. But the Israelites foolishly pursued superior numbers. That is why they had to wander in the wilderness for the next 38 years. They did not have the wisdom to see whose side God was on. Even if God is with one person, they are greater than many. So I always want to stand with God.
We see in Exodus chapter 32 that God was on the side of one person, Moses, when all the Israelites were worshiping the golden calf. Then the tribe of Levi was recognized among the 12 tribes, but now even the tribe of Levi could not recognize that God was with Joshua and Caleb.
All this also teaches us lessons today. Christendom is generally full of compromise and worldliness. Here and there God will raise up some who stand uncompromisingly for the truth of God's Word. If you have discernment you will recognize that God is with the few and stand with them against the vast majority. With them you will enter the Promised Land.
How do you find out who God is with? He speaks words of faith. Joshua and Caleb said with confidence "we can overcome". "We can conquer the evils of anger, lust, envy, grudge, and greed. We can conquer Satan. God will crush Satan under our feet" The words of a person on God's side speak.
Zac Poonen