It is NOT, Speak, Get Ready, Think

It is NOT, Speak, Get Ready, Think

21st Century Leadership from Leadership Excellence International

#professionalspeakersday March 14, 2024

Effective speaking is an essential element of leadership! It serves as a powerful tool for communication, inspiration, and influence with colleagues and subordinates. A leader who can ARTICULATE their vision, values, and goals with clarity and conviction cultivates trust and confidence among their followers. An ARTICULATE public speaker can rally support, motivate action, and unite diverse individuals toward a common purpose.

First CONCENTRATING on what they will say and how they will say it, enables an effective leader or professional speaker to communicate their ideas, inspire others, and drive positive change. Public speaking skills are indispensable for successful leadership. Remember: Think, Get Ready, Speak!

Follow Michael Wader for more information on the necessity of Leaders being good speakers to become successful 21st Century Leaders.

#selfleadership #leadershipskills #proudtospeak #professionalspeakersday

#speakersday #speakersday2024

Maverick Foo

Partnering with L&D & Training Professionals to Infuse AI into their People Development Initiatives ??Award-Winning Marketing Strategy Consultant & Trainer ???2X TEDx Keynote Speaker ?? Cafe Hopper ?? Stray Lover ??

8 个月

Would you say many would be stuck at the Thinking and Getting Ready stage, and never got to Speaking?

Dr. Stephen Wagner

Present your Research. Get to the Point. ? Science Trainer ? Presentation Coach ? Global Speaker ??

8 个月

This approach may even fit for impromptu speaking: think quickly, be ready, speak! I recommend to even prepare for impromptu speaking: think in advance about topics which may come up during the event. At times I was ready to contribute to a discussion.



