Speak Directly to Your Ideal Clients
Do you ever wonder why your marketing message does not produce the kind of results that you were hoping for?
Have you ever considered that you might not be speaking to the right group of people or perhaps the wrong language?
The first thing you need to do is define and identify your ideal clients.
Here are some questions you can ask yourself about your ideal clients to better understand them.
You need to think about things from their perspective.
Understand the fears of your ideal clients.
What do they worry about? What keeps them up at night?
Also, you need to understand the hopes of your ideal clients.
What do they secretly wish was true about their life or business situation? What is the dream solution for their life and/or business that they would pay almost anything for? If their perfect dream solution happened, how would that look?
Now that you’ve spent time in their shoes, it’s time to go deeper and be even more specific.
Ask yourself the following question. You have just provided the solution for an issue challenging your clients.
What primary emotion or set of emotions is your ideal client feeling at the exact moment he or she is buying your product or service? READ FULL ARTICLE >>
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Build Your Business Fast Academy (for Small Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Real Estate Professionals)
Build Your Practice Fast Academy (for Insurance Agents, Financial Advisors)
Build Your Downline Fast Academy (for Network Marketers, Independent Distributors, MLM)
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