Excerpt from; Volume III: "THE BRITISH LOTTERY CLUB; The Evil Within"; Another Day in Paradise; Propaganda and the Media, by Nigel Shindler

?Jewish Survivor Ruth Brand on Observing Yom Kippur in Auschwitz

“Racism” is about discrimination; not utterances; remarks, and statements others find hurtful, or offensive, however, the people who claim to oppose “racism” use such things to deprive people of the “rights”; in other words; the worst “racists” in society today are the people who promote “equality”.

One would expect, therefore, that “social groups” that practice; promote, or show evidence of being willing to submit to, homogeneity, would find “consumer societies” attractive; be drawn to them, and “consumer societies” conversely, would lure people from such “social groups” to themselves.

“Social groups” can be characterized by their particular strengths and weaknesses, (deviations from the norm), in relation to other “social groups”; racial mixing that transpired, particularly over the past three centuries, has created “genetic tainting” to such an extent, that, genetically speaking, the differences between “races” is so minuscule; so minute, as to be practically non-existent, however, the insinuation that relativity exists among “social groups” is considered “racist” by the masses, and one is guilty of uttering a “racial slur”. It is not “politically correct” to expose the fact that one has a faculty of reason, and one is, accordingly, able to discriminate; this is considered “bad behaviour” by the masses, and one is branded as “rude”.

Racism is actually about discrimination; one’s rights are violated; one is not permitted the same opportunities as others. It does not concern “hurt feelings”, the result of remarks; words; utterances, that someone finds offensive, though, this is the manner in which discrimination is now covered up, and the masses believe this nonsense is discrimination. For example; if I’m in a restaurant, and someone passes and says something that, in a manner of speaking, unsettles my stomach, and I believe this resulted in my not enjoying my meal as much as I expected; this is a personal issue; it is not, and should not, be a matter of public interest.

METRO; Tuesday, October 24, 2017, page 1


He quits as prejudiced internet tirades surface

By Nicole Marie

“An MP resigned from a Commons equality committee last night after it emerged he had mocked gay people and ‘fatties’ and joked about beating up women.”

“The 36-year-old, who ousted former Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg to become Sheffield Hallam MP in June, bowed to the calls for him to resign from his role on the women and equalities select committee.

    He said: ‘I understand why the comments are offensive and sincerely apologize for my use of such unacceptable language. I made the comments as a young man at a particularly difficult”

Continued on page 2

‘Poofters’ should try being ginger like me

"...time in my life but that is no excuse.’”  Who told him that?!

“He resigned at the weekly meeting of the parliamentary labour party and confessed to having previously held homophobic and sexist views.”

METRO; Wednesday, October 25, 2017, page 4


By Dominic Yeatman

“Pressure was growing on Jeremy Corbyn to suspend MP Jared O’Mara last night amid new allegations that he made abusive comments this year.”

“…yesterday he was accused of calling a woman an ‘ugly b****’ as recently as March.

   Sophie Evans said the ex- DJ abused her and her friends at a Sheffield club night he organized three months before ousting Nick Clegg as MP for the city’s Hallam constituency. ‘There were some transphobic slurs. He called me an ugly b****,’ she told the BBC.”

The truth, however, is that failing to distinguish the differences between “social groups” stifles cultural growth due to not extracting elements from one culture to enhance another, which can only lead, ultimately, to the disintegration of a civilization, and eventually, as is the case today; chaos; the spread of Evil.

Certain “social groups” have a stronger disposition to engage in homogeneity; ignoring their relative strengths, and weaknesses, (deviations below or above the norm); the most prominent example of this phenomenon are the people originally from the western Sahara Desert, (this was the region of African most heavily targeted during the era of “slave trade”), who, over the past three centuries, have migrated principally to Western Europe; the Caribbean, (Jamaica, in particular), and North America, (the United States and Canada).

It is customary among “Blacks” to attach labels to themselves; (they prefer to belong to a group, rather than seen as individuals); such as “Blacks”; “Coloured”; “African/American”; “African/Jamaican”, and “African/Canadian”; this is not a full list of the terms they use to categorize themselves.

Referring to themselves as originating from a continent, Africa, disguises the characteristics - social/cultural; physiological/ anatomical; among others - that are distinct, or peculiar, to the area of Africa they stem from, and contributes to their not recognizing their shortcomings; how they deviate from the norm; relative to, collectively, other “social groups”.

“Blacks”; the people who claim to originate from the Western Sahara region of Africa, show a strong predilection to voluntarily ghettoize, and also adopt a “no snitch policy”, (not reporting criminal activity), in the areas where they segregate, which contributes to others failing to recognize their strengths, and weaknesses, in relation to other “social groups”.

Large social housing complexes throughout all “consumer countries” have become, to a large extent, stomping grounds for “Blacks”; why is this the case? Accommodation in social housing units is typically prioritized; how are the needs of “Blacks” greater, or different, from people belonging to other “social groups”?

“Blacks” tell you, far more often than not, they are victims of “racism”, but will also fail to provide concrete proof of any form of discrimination, (not being provided government services they’re entitled to), which is understandable; where they’re situated proves they’re receiving greater assistance, proportionately, from the “government” than people who belong to other “social groups”. They, typically, not only receive “basic assistance”, but also; “food stamps”; “travel allowances”, and extra assistance is dispensed to single mothers; greater the number of offspring single women have; greater also is the assistance she receives from the “government”. The burden of taking care of an additional child increases the level of her dependency on the “government”, and correspondingly, lowers the likelihood of acquiring employment; a source of income.

Such being the reality; what is the reason, (the root cause), as to why “Blacks” are dependent on “governments”? They are not victims of discrimination; they are, however, behaving as “consumers”, therefore, the “government” must benefit from giving a disproportionate amount of assistance to “Blacks” who claim they are “marginalized”; “vulnerable”, and one can make the assumption that the “government” handouts are actually investments; there’s a profit in this arrangement; where does it come from? How is the profit manufactured?

The only home-grown source of revenue in “consumer countries” is drugs; “governments”; local councils in the U.K.; the police; churches; temples; places of worthy of practically any variety, and charities; all get a share of the proceeds of this criminal activity; the institutions that are supposed to promote morality by helping people in need.

The heavy concentration of “Blacks” involved in drugs; (creation; use, and distribution), in “consumer societies” is due to their comparative weakness that “governments”; local U.K. councils; the police; the justice system in “consumer societies”, attempt to hide by considering it a criminal act to even utter the word; “nigger”; (in other words; they use the legal system to hide crimes), which is now according to “Blacks”, the most despicable word in the English language, (it doesn’t belong in the English language), whereas, in my opinion, this colloquial expression, (meaning; “good for nothing, lazy, bum”), aptly describes their behaviour because, generally speaking, they show no inclination to change their behaviour, rather, further indulge in criminal affairs, which cannot be considered helpful in stabilizing a society, thus, labelling those who are, according to collected evidence, good for nothing lazy, bums, is appropriate.

  Why do people commit criminal acts?

The common perception is that, characteristically, the overriding motivating factor, in the vast majority of cases, is poverty; is this true?

If one were seeking to acquire a basic necessity, and had no other recourse but to commit a criminal act in order to obtain it, one can conclude such a person is also a victim of crime, (in a civilized country one should be able to access the basic necessities of life, regardless of the time of day; week, or month of the year, wherever one is situated). This is not, obviously, the reason why “Blacks”, generally speaking, who reside in “consumer societies” commit crime; although the places they segregate themselves; the ghettos; can often, at first sight, give the impression, due to squalor, and the state of disrepair of so many buildings, that they’re not provided enough for them to properly maintain their homes, and neighbourhoods.

The truth is, the filth; squalor, and disrepair, is due to mental impediments; exacerbated by drug usage; they cease, as a result, to care about the state of their neighbourhoods; their homes, or the condition of their bodies; what; how much; they eat; how often they bathe; whether their trimmed, or untrimmed, nails have dirt beneath, which is all caused by a lack of awareness of their surroundings, and themselves.

Criminal activities among “Blacks” who reside in ghettos; social housing complexes; is due to choosing to not make the required effort to earn the necessary income to obtain the materials they desire; (I’m not referring to needs); the preponderance of luxury cars; satellite dishes; fast food/takeaway restaurants, as well as all the “bling”, proves there is no shortage of money, but, on the contrary, they have more “disposable” money than is considered the norm in “consumer societies”, and this is due to being lazy; stupid; “niggers”. 

Being lazy makes people stupid, and stupid people are lazy; the cycle feeds itself; the more stupid they are due to being lazy, less able they are to be aware of just how stupid and lazy they are. This is the consequence of taking “short cuts”; the easier route to get the things they want; criminal acts. Such people; (those who are stupid because they’re lazy, and vice/versa), lose the capacity to practice empathy; the consequence of satisfying their every desire as quickly as possible, (behaviour guided by the “Pleasure Principle”), regardless of the cost to others; the indiscriminate gun fire; shooting rounds of bullets from moving vehicles into homes in the neighbourhoods they live has become a common occurrence.

When a person does not have a conscience, he loses the capacity to freely determine how he behaves; what he thinks; says; and does, but is, rather, left to the mercy of controlling elements in the environment. Such a person doesn’t consist of light, and dark; opposing forces, and, as a consequence, he gets lost in circulatory patterns of behaviour that do not change; they only increase in severity, thus, the expression; “The more things change, the more they remain the same”. He may believe he’s busy; doing things, but, in reality, the place in which he resides is a timeless abode that continues for eternity – after his physical death. This is the nature of evil, as well as, Hell.

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH; Wednesday, October 25, 2017, page 3.


Lecturers pushed to include more black authors in courses after protest by students


“Cambridge University’s English literature professors will be forced to replace white authors with black writers, under proposals put forward by academic staff following student demands to “decolonize” the curriculum.” It quite common for university students to sound impressive, while, actually, uttering a load of babbling nonsense.

“For the first time, lecturers and tutors will have to “ensure the presence” of Black and Minority Ethnic (BME), writers on their courses, under plans discussed by the English faculty’s Teaching Forum.” Are “Blacks” a minority ethnic group?

“The move follows an open letter, penned by Lola Olufemi, Cambridge University Student Union’s women’s officer, (it’s exhausting just reading that long winded title), and designed by more than 100 students, titled “Decolonising the English Faculty”.  This is fascinating; students and now telling professors what they consider the finest literature they should study.

“For too long, teaching English at Cambridge has encouraged a ‘traditional’, and ‘canonical’, approach that elevates white authors at the expense of all others,” the letter said.” The claim made, I assume, is that not all the white authors deserved to be on the reading list; I wonder why the students believe this to be the case?

“What we can no longer ignore, however, is the fact that the curriculum, taken as a whole, risks perpetuating institutional racism.”  Another fancy sounding expression, and I’m quite sure if one were to ask any student, he/she, or zit, whatever the person wishes to be called, couldn’t give you a clear explanation.

“They said that they were not seeking to exclude white men from reading lists. However, adding new B.M.E. texts and topics is likely to lead to authors being downgraded or dropped altogether, since there are no plans to lengthen courses to accommodate an expansion of reading materials.”  What I find interesting is that, Camilla Turner EDUCATION EDITOR, does not claim the students are lying; it isn’t just likely, a probability, it is an inevitability, white authors will be dropped, (no longer included), in the reading materials. Using what criteria did the students decide who should be included on the reading list? Apparently, these deep thinkers decided the type of pigmentation of a person’s skin; what does that have to do with the quality of writing? As a free thinking person would speculate; nothing!! There is no connection between the extent, or type, of pigmentation within a person skin, and the quality of one’s writing. I do believe, however, because I’ve met several women in my life who were, in my opinion, extraordinary writers, and each loved to wear pink frilly dresses; that there might very well be a relation between this type of clothing, and one’s capacity to produce fine literature!!

Popular “Black Culture” is anti-intellectual; anti-education; this is used as a means to hide their weakness; metaphorically speaking. What they do is the same, to make an analogy as a sprinter who refuses to run challenge his closest rival; it’s impossible, therefore, to definitely determine who’s the better runner - they haven’t competed in exactly the same conditions; wind velocity; altitude; temperature, and so on, and so forth. “Blacks” have the highest High-school dropout rate among all “social groups”!!!

Little, relatively speaking, compared to several decades ago, is required to complete a High-school education, which is, of course, a prerequisite for entering either a college, or university. Obtaining a post-secondary diploma; certificate, or degree, vastly improves the likelihood of acquiring a job offering a higher salary; minimum wage jobs are relegated, almost exclusively, to people with just a High-school diploma. It is very difficult to get steady; full-time; work in a “consumer society” without, at least, completing High-school.

In order for there to appear to be homogeneity, “Blacks”, more than any other “social group”, resort to committing crimes to heighten their level of income, but, what is startling, is that they are unaware that the inferiority complex they bear; the result of not earning by legitimate means the money they spend, (crimes by “Blacks” is vastly disproportionate, above, the percentage of the population in any “consumer society” they comprise); they have a habit of drawing people’s attention to their wealth. This is a form of “over-compensation”, and can be seen in cars they drive; their jewellery; clothes they wear; shoes on their feet, and the mind numbing repetitive music, at ridiculously high volumes, they play on expensive sound systems as they lounge on park benches, or cruise about town with the top down on their convertibles.

Council apartment blocks, and social housing complexes, throughout the U.K., are cluttered with proof of illegitimately acquired wealth, but one is not supposed to say anything derogatory about “Blacks”, or the openly displayed evidence of their crimes, unless one is seeking to attract the attention of the so called “police”; having handcuffs wrapped around one’s wrists, and being read their “rights”. Evidence of committing a crime isn’t necessary for the “police” to take measures in order to cover up the crimes they’re complicit in. The job of the “police” is to make sure, as much as possible, people don’t interfere in the criminal affairs of “Blacks”. The “police” are highly organized in how they use resources at their disposal to commit, and cover-up, crimes. Their poor rate of “closing cases”, and apprehending suspects, is due to their lack of interest in curtailing criminal activity; a peaceful; orderly; society, is the last thing on their agenda; spreading fear; suspicion, and paranoia - destabilizing society makes people prone to being brainwashed.

The “government”, and local councils, use the revenue they derive from taxes to fuel the drug industry; to create; store, and distribute drugs. Wherever drugs are found, prostitution is certain to be present also. There’s no shortage of “Black” women who have “Sugar Daddies”. Fathers are, or, are supposed to be, providers for their kids; the expression “Sugar Daddy” shows how “Black” women view the men who take care of them; give them what they want – which is to their detriment. To use an analogy; a “Sugar Daddy” is much the same as father who feeds his kids sugar; it rots their teeth; ruins their health, but, yum, yum, yum, it sure taste good! Daddy thanks! The reason why “Blacks” do so poorly in schools is because of their upbringing; poor diets; improper hygiene practices; immorality; they imitate the behaviour of their parents, and so the cycle of abuse continues.

Read the full story about how Satan took over the world, and captured so many souls in, "SATAN'S CIRCUS", by Nigel Shindler


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