Sparky 3 Passing the Factory Acceptance test with flying colors.
Sparky 3 Argon gas testing is part of the Factory Acceptance Test process.
It was late one summer afternoon. Because it was late, the workers went home. Yesterday would not be too soon for the Sparky 3 delivery. Being a responsible person and vendor, Martin, the CEO of Radar Innovation stayed late and ran the Argon gas test. It was a long day for Martin because his shop opens early in the morning.
We decided to run the side box separately from the chamber and at the same time. This setup is as if a part was coming into the chamber. So, the pass through it had its supply, and the main box ran a different bottle. The ultra high purity argon grade was 99.9995% argon. 5 Parts per Million of Volume (PPMV) was likely Oxygen and the rest, the good stuff, was 999,995 parts per million, pure argon.