Sparking great client discussions through peer benchmarking

Sparking great client discussions through peer benchmarking

Frederic Lesieur, CGI Senior Vice-President, Consulting Services, working with our energy and utilities, local government, manufacturing and transport clients in Canada, shares the value of the CGI Voice of Our Clients.?

Colleagues sitting together, working on the VOC insights

I’ve been participating in CGI’s Voice of Our Clients (VOC) program for 10 years now, and my clients always look forward to hearing the results. We work hard to find the right angle that will be most valuable for each client. This requires contextualizing their situation and evolution.?

While typically we see alignment between many industry-wide responses and a client’s own responses, I focus on what is not aligned. I look at anonymized peer comparisons and benchmarks to find the discrepancies, because those always spark a good VOC discussion.?

For example, we compare the client’s answers to the past year or past 3-5 years to capture trends. We compare them to the industry as a whole or by region. As an example, in 2021, only 6% of Canadian energy and utilities executives said they were producing expected results from their digital strategies. This is well below their peers’ benchmarks, which are 21% globally and 23% in Europe.

Meeting at the client′s office to go through the VOC insights

What are digital leaders (those getting results) doing differently? We look at several common attributes.

For one client, while they were aligned with digital leaders in terms of strategy attributes, execution attributes weren’t on par. So, we had a discussion on why and ways to improve.?

Here are a few more examples of how VOC insights have brought value to my clients:?

  • After sharing the insights, a client invited our expert to participate in kicking off their annual strategic planning session with a summary of industry trends.?
  • We compared answers from business executives to those of IT executives and found gaps in how IT was seen to provide services aligned with business needs, sparking a good discussion about how to achieve closer alignment.
  • When a government CIO ushered in a new administration, they asked if we could share what their peers were doing in terms of IT human capital investment. We looked at aggregated data for a sizable number of comparable jurisdictions in our VOC dataset. The data showed that the client’s jurisdiction was investing less by comparison—and that helped them build their business case for IT budget growth.

Last year, I started my follow-up meetings with our conclusions for the energy and utilities industry. One key finding was that these clients (70%) saw environmental sustainability as core to their ability to create value for customers. Sustainability also was a strong attribute of digital leaders.?

I look forward to sharing more insights you can act on once again this year.

CGI Voice of Our Clients provides actionable insights for industry best practices.

Learn more about how the program can help you gain insights you can act on

Annually, CGI leaders meet with business and IT executives to gather their perspectives on the trends affecting their enterprises. These industry insights - including the attributes of digital leaders - lead to actions to best satisfy the needs of your customers and citizens.

Voice of Our Clients gathers our clients’ perspectives on the trends affecting their enterprises. Learn more on our website.

More insights from leaders around the world

Several CGI leaders and experts around the world share the value the VOC program brings to their clients in this article series:



