Sparking Creativity
Sean K. Shahkarami, CPA, CFF, MAc
Helping You Discover the Power that is Already Within You
Whether you're an entrepreneur, an executive, or just beginning your career, cultivating creativity and innovation is essential to evolving and staying competitive in today's dynamic landscape. However, the process of generating novel ideas and innovative solutions isn't always straightforward. While some people are innately more creative than others, research suggests that creativity can also be a learned skill and that there are exercises or triggers that can spark a spirit of creativity and innovation.
Diverse Experiences
Broadening our horizons through diverse experiences can inspire new ways of thinking. This could be through travel, attending seminars and workshops, or simply stepping out of your comfort zone. Variety in experience aids in the creation of novel connections and broadens our perspectives, stimulating innovative thinking. We are creatures of habit and I absolutely love routines that I can count on, however, new experiences stimulate new neural pathways in our brain that actually change our thinking patterns and brain chemistry which are both important factors of fostering creativity.
Stay curious. Adopt a learner's mindset and continually seek out new knowledge. This continuous learning helps to feed the creative mind and can lead to the development of unique solutions and innovations. One way to remain curious is to continually ask yourself questions.
“Why does this work?”
“How could this be better?”
“What can I do differently to produce a better result?”
The brain is wired to answer questions. Merely posing the right questions to your mind will naturally stimulate it to think through and provide answers, naturally lending itself to innovative thinking.
Collaboration and Cross-Pollination
Two heads are often better than one. Collaboration, particularly with people from different disciplines, can yield innovative solutions. Cross-pollination of ideas allows for the combination of diverse viewpoints and skill sets, creating a breeding ground for creativity and innovation. In a research study of some of the world’s most innovative thinkers one of the traits that was found most in common of the creative minds was associative thinking. Associative thinking is the ability to see connections between two concepts that most people do not see. Collaborating with people from different disciplines can prompt associative thinking and lead to innovation, one of the popular examples of this is the design of the atrium at Pixar’s studios. If you haven’t heard about Pixar’s atrium its worth a quick Google search!
Creative Confidence
Believe in your creative capabilities. Often, fear of failure or judgment stifles our creative and innovative potential. Embrace the process and understand that setbacks and mistakes are integral to the journey towards innovation. Have brainstorm sessions where every single idea no matter how outlandish it may seem is considered and heard. Break down the barriers of insecurity and fear and it becomes easier for you and those on your team to feel more comfortable letting their minds roam.
Physical Activity
Regular exercise and physical activity stimulate brain health, enhancing our cognitive functions and creative thinking abilities. Even a quick walk can serve as a break to refresh your mind and could be the trigger for that next big idea. Movement and exercise also spark different neural pathways that can lead to new ideas.
Mindfulness and Meditation
These practices help in creating mental space, reducing stress, and increasing focus. Allowing your mind to wander during these quiet moments can often lead to surprising insights and bursts of creativity. Furthermore, idle time and boredom are some of the main triggers of innovation. 3M, the Company that makes the sticky notes, has (or at least used to have) a policy that mandated idle time for employees. It was during these idle hours that employees could work on whatever they wanted, or not work at all and the Company noted that the idle time led to many profitable innovative products.
Embracing Constraints
Constraints and limitations can actually foster innovation. They force us to think outside the box and develop unique ways to overcome challenges. So the next time you face a restriction, view it as a creativity challenge rather than a barrier. Remember the stoic quote – “the obstacle is the way”.
Creativity and innovation are not just innate talents but skills that can be developed and nurtured. Identifying the right triggers can help you to foster these skills and cultivate an environment where they can thrive. The future will belong to those who can think outside of the box and execute on innovative ideas.