Spark Your Imagination
Justin Castelli, RLP?, CFP?
aligning your finances with your authentic life, founder RLS Wealth, co-founder of The AGC? and founder of PRST?
When was the last time you used your imagination?
Over the last few weeks, I’ve caught myself watching Silas as he plays around the house and the imagination of a five-year-old is inspiring and refreshing. While AI takes over the world, banks are on the brink of collapse, WWII is one disagreement away, or whatever latest headline is spreading fear throughout the world, the innocence of our children prevails and they are creating their own world and experience.
Silas creates not only his own world but worlds for his toys—currently, Captain America is battling a Gremlin on our coffee table.?
We obviously don’t watch the news with Silas (we actually never watch any news) and don’t discuss world events with him, so it is easier for him to direct all of his energy toward creating his own experience with the limited information he has–his imagination fills the gaps.?
No matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to escape the news, headlines, and storylines of the lives of people you are close with–you still need to understand what is going on in the world and you need to be a supportive family member, friend, or colleague. But, if you’re not careful these stories can consume your life and begin to influence the life you experience. Your thoughts, ideas, and eventually your actions are no longer your own–they are influenced and sometimes controlled by these other sources.
If only you could go back to your younger Self and tap back into your imagination to balance out the influence of others. To the best of my knowledge, the time machine has not been invented yet, but there is an easy way to use your imagination and it is connecting with your Inner Creator.?
Expressing yourself and your Inner Creator is a direct connection to your imagination. By taking time to create regularly, you maintain access to your imagination, allow yourself to take a break from the headlines directed at you, and continue to pursue your authentic life because you can still see your future Self.
You don’t have to play with toys to use your imagination, but I highly encourage you to get down on the floor with your little ones and join them in their creative world if you can. If you don’t have little ones in your house, then make time to write, record, paint, or whatever activity you choose that allows you to create from scratch, use your imagination, and continue to see possibilities in your life that bring you closer to your authentic life.
See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,