A Spark, and Years of Peace Went up in Flames, a Prosperous County was Disrupted.
By Richard Kitheka
“Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means.†—Ronald Reagan, 40th president of the United States from 1981 to 1989. And he should know, he ruled America at a time when Cold war with Russia was at its supra-ultimate peak.
Fast forward to present day #Africa and it is clear that cold wars reside in political outlets, vents and fissures from which, like a rumbling volcano, they explode every now and then. Disgruntled populations rise and fight against value infringement when they feel their leaders are being harassed or their national, private or public concerns are being flatly ignored. Poverty among the masses and #Covid #Lockdowns can lead to anarchy if population's most basic needs are not addressed before or during the lock downs. Same applies to political feelings of neglect or injustice.
This generates latent potential of civil wars, anarchy and endless conflict that displaces people off their farms, homes and disrupts families, economies and an entire country's even region’s progress. All in one go! See South Africa today! See Kenya in 2007/08.
Seeing this threat the government in its wisdom in 2008, set up the National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC), a statutory body established under the National Cohesion and Integration Act No.12 of 2008. This was to promote national identity and values, mitigate ethno-political competition and ethnically motivated violence, eliminate discrimination on ethnic, racial and religious basis and promote national reconciliation and healing.
Vijana Bila Ukabila know this but their walk is independent of any body. They walk from a place of knowledge and experience. Some of the 12 members of the team know emerged from the smouldering embers of the post election violence of 2007/8. Among them are two sterling ladies who have taken the walk in good stride.
Today as we look at what is happening in South Africa, we can see just how easily a fire can spark from the most ordinary of processes. In SA, Emeritus President #Jacob #Zuma was recently jailed 15 months for court contempt. A section of the SA society is aggrieved because they feel this is wrong, that it is politically motivated.
Meanwhile it has exposed hidden effects of #Covid #lockdown and is now morphing into a ventilation chamber for deep pain and hunger pangs for many judging from some of the images we are seeing in media platforms.
In Kenya, we have already encountered this kind of mess before and the government has recently sounded alarm bells and mapped the so called potential #hotspots ahead of Kenya's #2022 elections. This indicates that a Kenyan Post Election situation is already simmering ahead of 2022 elections.
Clearly there is a need for public awareness that our peace is delicate and may be easily breached in any hotly contested elections at all levels... and credible, solid steps must be taken well in advance to forestall such an eventuality.
"We want no repeat of that perpetual election violence cycle," say the #Vijanabila Ukabila team. To put a megaphone to their words they have been walking from #Eldoret to #Mombasa a distance of 796kms to send this bold, timely message to all and sundry, to tell them to turn their backs on violence, to use peaceful co-existence methods. Serendipity is clearly their friend with the dramatic #SouthAfrican incident being televised smack in the middle of Vijana Bila Ukabila's novel, wearisome journey.
It is almost as if the universe is supporting their message of Amani, Umoja na Utangamano. It is saying: Look guys, this is happening down in South African brothers, its has happened in Kenya in 2007/8 when people, offended by the election outcome looted malls and set fires upon shops, homes and made an untidy situation never before seen in post independence Kenya. Take careful note. Take precautions. Don't be fools!
Flagged off a few weeks ago from Eldoret town, they walk and stop in urban centres and speak to roadside populi and county government officials who then sign up a commitment pledge. They advise, consult, sing and even play games with them. They have met with #GeorgeNatembeya, the Rift Valley Regional Commissioner #ErastusMbuiMwenda, the Nakuru County commissioner and many leading lights.
The foundational message being conveyed is that they are part of one large community called Kenya and that while some conflicts are inevitable, they are all manageable by negotiation through wise leadership.
Their journey is a walk of dedicated hearts full of joy. The active group of 5 (along with one female member after others stepped aside) have much less funds than such a walk demands and they operate like monks- sleeping in tents and roadside motels, eating bread and water when they can’t raise enough for a hot meal. These present day visible national heroes and heroines are living day by day, offering their blood, raw muscles, fun-time, youth, telcos bundles, sweat and tears to our country’s future prosperity.
The journey will take 26-30 days. They are currently entering Limuru town and are expected to make Nairobi their night port of call. They walked before- a distance of 837kms in 37 days from Kisumu to Mombasa in 2008. This is their second time in the charity walk. They say they wanted to do Kisumu Mombasa but Covid #environmental restrictions have narrowed their bigger intentions.
If you encounter them, give way, clap, listen to them and cheer them on. Encourage them with a kind word. Theirs is a calling for very select few.
As fellow citizens and patriots, you may also choose to donate to their cause. Anything from Kshs 100 (via Paybill Number 4003497, account number : Your name) lands in their very palms and will be most welcome.