Something I found right to share here today. Read. Reflect. Act.
- How are you today?
- I've been feeling so tired lately...
- Why is that?
- I work a lot. Many days, I overwork. Sometimes I even work on weekends...
- Is this something you are required to do?
- No.
- Do you have time to rest?
- I do, but I always neglect breaks, forget to have breakfast, lunch, or dinner on time. I started to ignore my family, friends, and any activities…I try to be productive.
- Why do you think you prioritize your work over self-care?
- Because I ignore personal boundaries... that's why I neglect personal needs and relationships.
- What do you feel when you are talking about it?
- Guilt? Yes, guilt...
- Guilt for what?
- For not allowing myself to rest... I simply do not allow it...
- What would happen if you allowed yourself to rest?
- I would not feel like I'm worth the job... or that I'm worthy of love...
- Is your self-worth tied to achievements?
- It is...
- Tell me more about it.
- I feel a constant need to achieve. I feel the need to accomplish tasks continuously, even when there is no pressing need, and find it difficult to relax or enjoy leisure activities.
- What triggers you?
- I compare... I always compare myself with others. And I feel bad if they are more proactive than I am.
- Do you like what you are doing?
- I used to... But now it's all about some invisible goals that I am trying to perceive but still cannot.
- Does it look like productivity to you?
- Not anymore... It became toxic... toxic thirst for achievements where I lost my boundaries, let it take over me, let it take my real me, underestimate my achievements daily, steal my time. And you know what? I am tired of comparing my productivity to others... I cannot do it anymore. I am tired. I think I burnt out...
- So what is productivity to you?
- It is about appreciation…
- What kind of appreciation?
- Appreciating my boundaries, my small day-to-day achievements, everything and everyone around me.
- Anything else?
- Yes. I have to appreciate my life and the time I am given.
It's essential to recognize the signs of toxic productivity and strive for a healthy work-life balance, as long as such productivity does not consume too much of your well-being.