Spark an Idea in a Mind

Spark an Idea in a Mind

Yesterday, I was in a panel to discuss Energy challenges in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus with the Electrical Engineering Students in Cyprus International University. As I walked into the conference room, my goal, and dream, was to draw the attention of at least one of the students whom may choose to work on this subject in the future. Maybe she or he will be the one who is going to invent a solution to help to improve the current challenges in this subject.

We have massively destroyed, and are continuing to destroy, the Earth to create energy. The biggest challenge is on the technical side, we have to find solutions for sustainable and affordable means of energy. Otherwise we are going to find a way to live in a world which will not be like yesterday or even today.

Cyprus is a place filled with sun and wind. But they do not have any fuel, coal, gas, as far as we know, or even any water resources. So, they are 100% dependent on imported hydrocarbon resources at the moment. During our discussion with the students some of them raised the question; why did Cyprus did not use the sun, the wind or the wawes? My answer to this question was that these were not sustainable and not affordable, yet. But now is the time for them to think about this question. Find, even small, solutions or steps to act on, in order to help improve this situation. This is the main task of an engineer, to solve problems.

It was a big gift for me to hear that one of them started to talk with his professor to choose this subject for his master thesis. It was like an announcement, to me, that I have achieved my dream. I sparked an idea in a mind.


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