Spanish Singles Seek Love in Supermarket Aisles

Spanish Singles Seek Love in Supermarket Aisles

By Nienke Creemers

Globally, online dating fatigue is leading romantic hopefuls to experiment with new ways of meeting people – a phenomenon detailed in 10 Relationship Trends to Watch 2024. In Spain, popular TikTok videos have cast supermarket chain Mercadona as an (unintentional) matchmaking hotspot.

Matchmaking Hour & Signalling Preferences

Singletons looking for love go to Mercadona between 7pm and 8pm, specifically browsing the wine section for a potential partner. To signal their intent, participants put an upside-down pineapple in their basket or cart. Some try to signal more detailed preferences, using chocolate to show that they’re looking for a passionate affair, or canned foods indicating their wish for a long-term relationship. TikTokker Sergio Meres suggests: “Are you looking for an older person? Put some mature cheese [in your basket/cart].”

TikTok Prompts Romance Seekers to Browse the Aisles

Dating in Mercadona was first mentioned by a participant of the Spanish version of British show First Dates who stated that she looks for eligible singles in Mercadona between 7pm and 8pm. The phenomenon was popularised, however, through a viral TikTok by Spanish actor and comedian Vivy Lin, who joked about finding love in the supermarket during “the dating hour”. #Mercadona now features more than 201,100 posts, with people sharing their experiences with the upside-down pineapple experiment.

Lidl’s Hour of Love

As a response to Mercadona’s dating craze, German supermarket chain Lidl started a campaign encouraging its Spanish customers to also shop around for romance in its stores. Lidl declared 6pm to 7pm as its “la hora del amor” (“the hour of love”) and suggested shoppers carry a watermelon instead of a pineapple in their carts/baskets. As a bonus, all customers (romance-seeking or not) will enjoy special deals and a 10% discount on watermelons during the hour.

This article was first published on on September 16.



