Spanish Digital Banking : BBVA’s dominant ranking followed by ING Spain

Spanish Digital Banking : BBVA’s dominant ranking followed by ING Spain

In the context of its yearly production campaign, D-Rating has completed its 2022 Digital Performance Rating related to the Digital Propositions module. This study examines all items, digital initiatives, and services offered to customers on web and app digital channels.

The data for this study takes into account 300+ indicators collected using testers (i.e. mystery shoppers) that are real bank customers.

The 2022 scope includes both banks with branches i.e. “traditional” actors in the banking scene, as well as digital banks challenging the status quo in specific areas.

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Digital Proposition Spanish’s Results

The Spanish market has evolved yearly since our first campaign in the Iberian market in 2019. BBVA?is once again at the top of the ranking, followed by?ING Spain?and?Banco Santander. We observe a remarkable performance for certain banks, including?Banco Santander, which has moved from very low rankings in 2021 to third place this year. A fascinating ascent where the bank was able to develop its applications and align its strategy with the market expectations.

A closer examination of the score shows that all these 3 banks occupying the podium today performed well in the 3 areas of the Digital Proposition:?Customer Support, Features, Offers and journeys.

At the level of Customer Support, BBVA has the highest score, with a big gap with all the other banks, a very important leverage these days to assist and build loyalty or to retain newly acquired customers online.

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Complete and detailed ranking available on request [email protected]

BBVA?and?Banco Santander?have a very close score in Features domain. Banco Santander also earned points compared to last year. At the level of Offer & journeys,?ING Spain?has the highest score followed by?BBVA.

ING SPAIN?obtained a very high score in the Offer & journeys web. It is now known for its wide range of offers and features accessible via its website initially but also its mobile application. The offers quoted in our study include: Mortgage loan, personal loan, brokerage account, cashback, junior account, etc. While Banco Santander achieves very high performance in terms of account opening.?

The best in their lane

The Digital Proposition score aggregates 3 domain score:

Offers & Journeys?include access to offers from web and mobile application as a customer to main banking products and the digitization of the account opening process (on-boarding) as an entry point to the banks’ services.?The best performer of this domain is?ING SPAIN...

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