Spam or Service?

Spam or Service?

I want to share something personal that I hope will help you to see what's really been blocking you from your Leadership Visibility and business success.

For years I was hidden in my business. I used to fear visibility because I was worried that my friends/family might think I'm 'too much' and I would appear spammy to my clients.

I was also raising my two young kids (only 18 months apart) and feared that being completely booked up in my business would take away precious time from my kids and add stress into my life.

I played small, BIG time.

I didn't show up much on social media, avoided starting a mailing list, LinkedIn articles were non existent and I definitely didn't do any videos!

I held off from sharing who I was online for fear that my potential clients would think that I'm making my business all about me.

However that couldn't be further from the truth, I was just afraid of judgement and didn't know how to articulate my real value.

As a result my bank balance stayed small and my confidence to make a splash in the world dimmed.

My business was (and still is) something that lights me up from the inside out and to not work on it felt harder than actually doing the work in it.

The resistance to showing up as a leader was killing me.

I had so many ideas running through my head but rarely bothered to execute them because I told myself to wait until I have more time.

The worst part was that as a driven creative person who's always seeking and following my calling, the fear of visibility was not only limiting my business success but was chipping away at my creative soul.

I knew I wanted to serve more than I was and had so much more to give.

Being a mum is great but my business (aka third baby) also needed nurturing. Instead of feeling excited and energized in my business, I felt stuck and stifled.

......Then I took myself through a major transformation journey.

I got hooked on personal development, hired a mentor, read like a mad woman, trained my mind to think differently and gave myself a Leadership Visibility Breakthrough.

I soon came to realise that it wasn't my lack of confidence that was keeping me invisible, it was my unconscious beliefs that were running the show and holding me back.

This is why I am sooooooo passionate about my newly created Leadership Visibility Breakthrough program. It's designed for women like you who want to live a full life whilst making money sharing what you know and empowering others to live greatly also.

If you're still catching yourself second guessing whether or not to share your latest blog post, write that LinkedIn post or do the Facebook Live, then I'm here to help shift your beliefs around this once and for all!

This program is a further extension of my photography service to empower female leaders like you to step into your fullest expression in business and show up in the spotlight as a leader - with impact.

THIS, is how you create your unstoppable personal brand and thriving, high profit business.

In this program I will be giving you all the online visibility tools, practices and strategies that I use to create a business that makes an impact, build a community of raving fans and serve at your highest level to create a positive ripple effect in the world.

This is a program that I'm super proud of and I KNOW it will transform the way that you show up online, share your message and shape the way that you do business, for the better.

Here's a glimpse into some of the content and breakthroughs you'll have in this powerful 5 week online LIVE program.

Week 1?FLICK THE VISIBILITY SWITCH - Set the Rules on Fire and Get On with Changing the World!

IN WEEK ONE, you will:

  • Unlock the unconscious conditioning that has been blocking your visibility and keeping you feeling stuck and playing small.
  • Say goodbye to sabotaging beliefs and rewrite your story to success.
  • Dig into your true business mission and create your inspired legacy brand.


Week 2?THE POWER OF PERSONAL BRANDING - Create Your Authentic Leadership Brand

IN WEEK TWO, you will:

  • Discover how conforming to everyone else is keeping you stuck and why being YOU is your superpower.
  • Get clarity around your values, purpose and mission and never second guess yourself again.
  • Take control of your reputation and learn how to authentically shape what others are saying about you.


Week 3?ATTRACTION MARKETING - Stand Out by Being You and Ignite the Rockstar in your Biz

IN WEEK THREE, you will:

  • Learn the repel and attract marketing strategy that invites only dream clients and raving fans into your community.
  • Activate your creative genius zone and become the creator not the critic.
  • Develop your feminine empowered flow state and always know what to write, say and create.


Week 4?MASTER YOUR MESSAGE - And Sell your Service with Soul

IN WEEK FOUR, you will:

  • Get crystal clear on the message you're meant to share NOW.
  • Know what you stand for and against so that your message is loud and clear.
  • Learn the art of soulful selling.


Week 5?ITS SHOW TIME - Step into the Spotlight and Rise to Superstar Status!

IN WEEK FIVE, you will:

  • Hone in on your unique leadership visibility style.
  • Shine a light on your successes and become the leading lady of your business.
  • Establish your daily leadership visibility practice.


Are you ready to start 2022 serving greatly and living fully?

Doors have officially opened - AND the early bird special offer (over 50% off the value of program!) ends OCTOBER 1.

This program is open to 8 female business rockstars and spots are already filling up!


Online Live Program runs Nov 1 - Dec 4, 2021.

CLICK HERE and view all the nuts and bolts about the program and email [email protected] to sign up.

I can't wait to work with you in this space and start 2021 off with a leadership bang!!!


PS. Questions are welcome, send email to [email protected]


~ Meet Rebecca ~

Rebecca is a brand strategist, authentic visibility activator and leader in personal branding photography.

She helps inspirational leaders to unleash their true creative expression and shine in the spotlight with confidence, style and impact!

Rebecca's photography work has been featured in the CEO Magazine, New Idea Magazine, Forbes and SMH and Profile magazine among other high profile publications.

Follow on Instagram


[email protected]

CLICK HERE for program details and send email to sign up!


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