Spam - It's Not Just A Pork Product

Spam - It's Not Just A Pork Product

The question was - How can I block all the email spam from people using Email Marketing software like Hubspot?

Here's my unedited response. Let me know your thoughts in the comment below.

It’s frustrating when you start getting barraged with multiple emails from a sender when you thought you’d only subscribed to a specific newsletter. I do think that being added, without your express permission, to multiple lists that generate multiple emails is a form of spam. I know! That’s a slippery slope for email marketers! But, when you subscribe to someone’s monthly newsletter and then, you start getting emails for all their events, courses, webinars, etc. as well? Well, that’s spam.

I’m not sure other providers would agree. I’m sure the senders don’t want to agree with that position. But, I believe it all goes back to respecting the recipient. Without that, they’re never going to build trust or any kind of relationship.

The easiest way to make them go away once and for all, if the sender is legitimate, is to just unsubscribe. Be sure that you are unsubscribing from ALL the lists that sender may have you on.

If that doesn’t work the first or even the second time, then click that button to Unsubscribe and Report Spam. It only takes a few of those for a sender’s online reputation to be adversely affected and more.

#customerengagement #customerrelationships #bestpractices #emailmarketing #marketingautomation #respect #marketingbestpractices #venntive


