Spain to install 5.59GW of new PV capacity in 2023
According to Spanish grid operator Red Eléctrica de Espa?a, Spain installed 5,594MW of new PV capacity in 2023, and the country's cumulative installed PV capacity reached 25.55GW by the end of December 2023, up 28% from 19.96GW in 2022. Of the new PV installed capacity in 2023, about 1,076MW was installed in Spain's residential sector, another 1,020MW came from commercial and industrial PV, and the remaining 3,498MW of new PV capacity came from centralized PV.
Regionally, the Castilla-La Mancha region had the highest installed capacity of 2,024 MW of new PV, followed by Andalusia (1,170MW), Extermadura (1,064MW), Aragon (551MW), Castilla y León (454MW), Murcia (162MW) and the Balearic Islands (104MW). The remaining 65MW came from the rest of Spain.
According to the Spanish trade association UNEF, in addition to the new PV installed capacity in 2023, Spain also installed 1.7GW of self-consumption solar capacity last year, making the new PV capacity in Spain in 2023 more than 7.3GW. This figure is equivalent to nearly one-tenth of Spain's target for 2030. Spain's National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) was updated in 2023 with a target of 76GW of newly installed PV capacity by the end of this decade.
These figures demonstrate Spain's rapid growth and expansion efforts in the PV energy sector. With the continued push for renewable energy and technological advances, Spain has made significant progress towards its sustainable energy goals. However, further investment and policy support are still needed to ensure continued growth and sustainable development of PV energy.
Seraphim is a Tier 1 solar module manufacturer, listed by BNEF. We research, develop, produce, and sell solar PV products since 2011.
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