Space/Time, Guns & Consciousness
Warren Kirchner
Innovation, Business Development, Marketing and Engagement Practice Manager at GGBV
Space – the boundless distance between two points
Time – an indefinite movement of existence between two points
Consciousness – The state of being aware of and responsive to one’s surroundings
In Professor Brian Cox’s BBC series – ‘The Wonders of the Solar System’ and in video’s on YouTube he discusses the Space/Time conundrum using in one personal example photos and experiences with his family over many years. I’ll come back to this later.
Direct observation
So to start this journey we need to be perfectly clear on how we interact with our environment, the world we live in. – A fact is a word we use to describe ‘the what is’ and an observation of fact requires an unencumbered alertness – without the intellect interpreting what is observed based on accumulated memory, conditioning in its many forms, et al. and without its mechanism - thought describing the fact, interposing thought between our observation and the fact. Thought does this by immediately rushing to a description of the observed. And there-in creating space (distance) between you as the observer and the fact - the object of your attention. There is much more to this subject I’ll leave to another post.
It is vital we clearly see this process in our daily noise riddled lives, since our world the one we – yes you and I - have created is drowning us with information overload, soon to be joined with artificially enhanced ‘intelligent’ devices – Internet of Things (IOT) & robotics. Crowding our limiting 5 senses with noise and consuming our finite energy. All forms of media generation including machines and software (bots) are creating, recycling, manipulating - peddling information at increasing pace - assaulting our senses through every delivery channel and into every receptive sense in our body. You can see this process clearly in TV and in streaming services now destroying the very space and time value of the content that attracted your attention in the first place.
So our ability to directly see this information flow and more importantly it’s context - the fake and false - reveals the fact and is one of the most important actions an individual human can take. What you see or hear in words, in pictures, in video cannot by default be accepted as fact at first exposure. This is not being cynical at all, for when you question, enquire through direct observation that in itself causes right action in you, the observer. Again I’ll leave this to further posts.
Not education
This where our established education and conditioning systems are failing every generation by not encouraging insightful direct observation of the fact – the ‘what is’. Instead, institutional education is itself a process encouraging conditioned observation, interposing a method or retained memory as knowledge conditioners in the space between you the observer and the observed. Sure education as we know it has its place promoting acquisition of a skill or knowledge – I want to be a doctor or engineer, build bridges, houses, be a scientist, etc. Where it does not have a role is in the unfolding of consciousness in the individual, by the individual and not through some methodology or conditioned pattern of behaviour. For consciousness is absolutely necessary for direct observation of fact. My previous post on consciousness & intelligence refer.
American Gun Laws
Back to Space/Time - Take as an example – American Gun laws. A recent article by Bob Carr paints context of the US gun obsession lobby in the broader view – the parts and the resultant whole. A view that unbundles the information noise, identifies and connects the many dots (parts) necessary for an individual to ‘see’ the caustic influences of false or fake information, to reveal the ‘whole’ and in context the facts. An example of space/time in action if you see it.
As an individual, questioning inwardly and outwardly through direct observation, all activities and influences are revealed in the context of the bigger picture – the parts and the whole, not just the parts a particular information source want you to accept as fact. So we ‘see’ through the process of gerrymandering and in the allocation of electoral college seats a deliberate manipulation to favour one party and seat numbers over the other. In this case Republicans over Democrats. Hence based on Republican conditioning, existing gun laws and right to bear arms will remain despite all the mass tragedies because that party control the numbers of Senate and State legislature seats.
So any action to change the ‘part’ – by an increased restriction on bump-stocks for example will not change the ‘whole’.
A denied majority voice
For the US, this manipulation by the year 2040 is expected to result in 70% of the US population allocated 30% of senators. Or 15 of the most populous States represented by 30 of the 100 senators allowed in total. A clear disproportional representation in the upper chamber compared to their representative populations. Is this a democratic process – absolutely not when the wishes of the majority are denied by the minority. The further context here highlights the relationship between intensity and preference.
And if you think Australia is immune to this kind of behaviour by our political parties – think again. Sure here we interpose the Electoral Commission but can we rely on this alone and watch out if/when we become a Republic.
Australia too is awash with guns. A recent study reveals 100 people in NSW own 70 guns each and these are private individuals. This abominable situation is apparently allowed by exploiting legislative loopholes. So it does not matter if you already have 10 or 30 guns you can apply for more. Just how many guns will ever be enough to make an individual feel sufficiently in control with an ego satisfied?
Why use this example you ask?
To see this in the context of space/time requires consciousness and not education.
Consciousness springs from the individual enquiring mind through direct observation of fact by a negation of the false. Where there is no space between the observer and the observed fact, this has its own action. Not one projected as an end result by a method or practice acquired through education. And in that moment of direct observation space/time as we know it ceases. The observer becomes the observed in that moment.
In directly ‘seeing’ the whole of the gun saga and not the part, the false information peddlers are revealed. Currently false is winning because it's in the majority. And the false is most active with their political representatives. Conscious individuals can, however, bring direct observation into the majority.
Your journey
Surely in your life journey at some point, there has been a moment where you were in that state of direct observation, not planned for or arranged – it just happened for a fleeting moment. And you felt at one with the observed in that moment alone and then the noise comes in from thought and memory and your overwhelmed 5 senses.
If one could attempt to describe this one could say in that moment when space and time ceased the entity I call ‘me’ was transported to another dimension of existence. And in that moment there was an active presence – a consciousness beyond the material world.
Back to Brian Cox
One can look back on one’s life journey from childhood through adolescence to adulthood and reflect on moments in time from retained memories. Photographs are often triggers.
However, one cannot go back to a moment in time as if it was an active presence unless space & time ceased. Yet it is possible. For example, dreams where you are actively present in the 1st person, past lives where you are actively present, places you are actively present yet have never visited or read about, conversations you are actively present with individuals you have never met before in your current life, deja vue incidents. All with such a clear active presence, yet physically all the while anchored in your home in this century.
Brian reflects on potential multiple dimensions of space/time where such phenomena facilitate and distort these moments in time that are beyond current understanding - as the unknown - and this too is touched on in a previous post.
Moral of this post
As an individual, you can choose to live your life to the very best or your ability and the best requires of you a responsibility to ‘see’ the false as it is, not blindly accepting information as fact from whatever source pedalled to you.
As seems a majority, simply allow your life journey actions to be controlled and influenced by the plethora of information pedallers accepting of it as your reality without discerning false from fact, accepting the part and ignoring the whole.
Is this not then a choice of consciousness dimensions and only you can make that for your life. If you choose to accept the false then you reap what you sow in the societies you live and the world will continue in dysfunction.