Spaces In-between: #14
When you cross paths with someone who is greater in accomplishment, achievement or has a relational advantage, one who has the admiration of many and the peace that can only come with time bask in appreciation. Although, in part their successes and current entanglements are due to their gifting, these unique individuals through grit and determination have danced with demons and energies unknown to you. They have undergone many initiations of the ego and as a result of these unique conflicts, nightmares, sleepless nights and gravities they can sit among the elect. As a consequence of their unique conflicts, intentions and pain tolerances, they have gathered unto themselves spirits and entities, gatekeepers and catalysts and the like, in order to set up a specific narrative that has facilitated their expansion.
...learn to walk circumspectly and with humility among those who have gone before you, for the energies they have gathered far exceed your own.