A space of learning, engaging, and growing – the launch of the annual New Professionals Conference

A space of learning, engaging, and growing – the launch of the annual New Professionals Conference

On November 9 and 10, 2021 the Institute of Public Administration Canada (IPAC) New Professionals Committee, also known as INCITE, held its first annual new professionals conference around the theme of “Learn, Engage, Grow.” The two day event attracted entry-level employees across federal, provincial and municipal sectors, indigenous communities, individuals who have entered into a management role – new managers in the public service, students and alumni from Canada’s schools of public policy and administration programs. Overall, this event supported the professional development of the future leaders of tomorrow.

The conference kicked off with an opening prayer by an indigenous youth. The event keynote speaker Senator, Tony Dean shared his journey to leadership in the public service. He highlighted the ability for the public service to pivot and handle pressing issues, such as a pandemic while taking evolving information in stride and implementing change on the snap of a dime. Senator Dean left the audience with hope, igniting the passion of possibilities that new professionals have in front of them to serve and deliver public policy greater than they could ever dream.

The keynote followed with an authentic conversation resulting from the changes required by the public service as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The panel included: Deputy Hillary Hartley, Ontario Digital Service, OPS; Philippe Thompson, CFO, Indigenous Services Canada; ?Dan Batista, Executive Director, Institute for Citizen-Centered Services (ICCS); Drew Lafond, Partner, MLT Aikins; and moderated by Abiola Sunmonu, Trade Advisor at the Ministry of Jobs, Economy and Innovation with the Edmonton Provincial Government.

The panel followed by a practical showcasing of a mentor and mentee relationship generating support to the mentee’s career as a new professional in preparation for their future career. Brian Marson, International Expert on Public Management at Advisor to the OECD and the Asian Productivity spoke with mentee Manjit Bains on the tools and tricks needed to be successful in the public service. President of Bains Strategies Inc., Manjit enlightened the audience with her personal professional journey to becoming an effective manager and leader. Following this discussion, a panel of three talked through the results of the fall 2021 Canadian Federal Election and the future of public administration. Winter Fedyk, Director of Silo Strategy; Franke Graves, President of EKOS and Honorary Roy Cullen shared their views on where public administration can expect to focus in the coming time based on the Liberal platform and public service needs.

Day two of the conference began with a workshop on digital training and how to break digital in Canadian public service. Helen Caldwell, Apolitical; Isa David, Canadian Digital Academy and Sarah Bergquist from the Government of Yukon shared their experiences partnering on the launch of digital platforms that are truly a ‘new’ yet will remain a focal tool for public service now and into the future. The workshop was followed by instruction on how to conduct briefings succinctly and clearly to senior officials. Lucy La Grassa, PhD Coach and Chair for the Executive Committee along with Dr. Laurence B. Mussio, Special Advisor to the Office of the Chief Executive Officer, BMO Financial Group shared their advice on effective two-minute briefing fundamentals.

The next session included a personal interview with Heather Scriver, Assistant Deputy Minister of Corrections and Policing with the Government of Saskatchewan. Tanessa Boutin, Manager of Privacy and Access Law with Farm Credit Canada, interviewed Heather on her experience to leadership as a woman in a male dominated field. Heather shared her passionate and very engaging experience with the audience resulting in success as a leader in the provincial public service. The last two sessions of the conference included a Workshop on Working in the Municipal Government from different leaders in the Regional Municipality of York moderated by Joseph Silva, Director, Strategies & Partnerships, Regional Municipality of York ?and a networking opener led by long term Deputy Minister and current CEO of Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority, Clare Isman. Both days of the conference concluded with virtual networking events of which participants found highly valuable and received consistent positive feedback.

Do you want to continue the conversation? Each individual IPAC regions have their own local ways to support new professionals residing and working in regions across Canada. Please connect with your regions to get learn more and get involved! Find you region today!

IPAC New Professionals INCITE is a new service offering from IPAC. It aims to create a space of learning and engagement opportunities for new professionals from all levels of government, indigenous communities, schools of public policy, non-profit organizations, and the private sector.

Innovator Pramod Stephen

Innovator, Director, Writer, Designer

3 个月

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