The Space In Between Insurrection to Inauguration: A Mindful Invitation
Holly Duckworth
Human Performance Specialist - I work with overwhelmed leaders to create confidence and courage to lead in an AI world | Leadership, Wellness and Motivational Speaker & Small Group Coach
Here we are. Now.
Still processing
Now what? Those 5 words are 5 the words my coaching clients used to describe they are feeling in the aftermath of the January 6th events that happened at the capitol of the United States. Let that be ok. As you work this week know that for every human on the planet just under the surface of the call, email, video meeting maybe be a raw spot still processing. Allow this not as a point of disconnection, but one of connection.
On the morning of January 7th, I was leading our Leadership Solutions International Monthly Chaos to Calm Challenge where participants from a variety of backgrounds, financial status, political affiliations, and geographies connected to learn more about mindfulness at work and home. During that session, I was as raw as they were. Open. Willing. Curious. Exploring where do we go from here? Here is what we did self-care moments, questions to engage clarity, and remembering the good.
For now, here is my invitation to you. Make sure you take self-care time intentionally every day. Even if it’s the two minutes you take to drink your coffee or tea in the morning. Be with the beverage, your chair, the room you are in. Take it in. Feel yourself supported by the chair. Breathe. Take in the moment with all five senses.
Remember that you are here at this time of transformation for a powerful reason to gift your gifts and talents to the world. In these weeks of intensity remember what is still true for you. Be mindful to respond and not react. Ask yourself more questions, be willing to listen to that still small voice inside you. Pause. Live from that place.
Ask yourself, what is still true? With the rate of rapid change around the US capitol and social media, there is a lot that is in fact still true. Make a list and celebrate that. Our group remembered that the sun is still rising, food is still being cooked, kids are still learning, life is still moving forward. Keep focused as you can on the positive.
As we wrapped up the first Chaos to Calm Challenge for January 2021, I invited participants to tell me what mindful practice they found helped them launch 2021 with ease. They selected the loving compassionate mindful practice. I leave you with that.
May you and I be safe.
May you and I be peaceful.
May you and I be healthy.
May you and I live with ease.
Give yourself a moment to feel safe, peaceful, healthy, and at ease. Now. I invite you to put these words on a note next to your computer screen, or tv, place it on your bathroom mirror or car dashboard. Use them to help you get thru this time.
If you would find value in being a part of a supportive and curious community of leaders practicing leading mindful lives and businesses join our next chaos to calm challenge February 1-5 register at
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