Now here I thought we were getting spring. The ice is moving south on the river. I decided to leave the riverside, just in case the ice pushes onto the park. Did my laundry instead today, and got me some water for bathing with. I knew it was colder than it should be, however, I did not expect it to snow. Thank goodness for the Wood Buffalo city workers/police/fire and by-law officers..they were nice enough to get a hold of car owners down the river to move their cars because of the ice coming in so fast and furious. The city workers are a team here. Although Fort MacMurray is not as busy as before the fires, these workers are still working as a team. Team work can save a life, or a car. It was really reassuring to see them working together as one today, keeping people safely at a distance from the river, and once again, assuring us our safety at home and in the workplaces. Thank You Fort MacMurray Team Players. Blessed.