Sowing chaos in the name of order, sovereign credit, economic migrants, and the Four Full Respects

Sowing chaos in the name of order, sovereign credit, economic migrants, and the Four Full Respects

Terms to note from today’s PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs press conference:

  • 绊脚石? [bàn jiǎo shí]? stumbling block:?

Today’s quote:


The US State Department travel warning against China are totally unwarranted and have deterred many Americans wanting to come to China. We hope the US will rescind those groundless warning and revise the wrongful advisory level as soon as possible to remove this stumbling block in China-US people-to-people exchanges.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on April 10, 2024)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 你提到中韩双方就萨德问题达成的相关共识,我愿重申,中韩两国外长去年8月青岛会晤时就妥善处理“萨德”问题、不使其成为影响两国关系发展的绊脚石达成共识。希望韩方切实按照双方共识,继续妥善处理和管控好这一问题,避免两国关系受到不必要干扰和影响。?

You mentioned what was agreed between China and the ROK on THAAD. Let me reiterate that when the Chinese and ROK foreign ministers met in Qingdao in August last year, they agreed that the two countries would properly handle the THAAD issue and make sure it does not become a stumbling block in bilateral relations. We hope the ROK will act on what was agreed and continue to properly handle and manage this issue to prevent unnecessary disruption to bilateral relations.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on May 9, 2023)?

?? 美国还反对《禁止生物武器公约》核查议定书谈判,妨碍国际社会对各国生物武器活动进行核查,成为生物军控进程的“绊脚石”。?

The United States has also been a stumbling block to biological arms control by opposing negotiations on a verification protocol for the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) and impeding international verification of countries' activities relating to biological weapons.? (US Hegemony and Its Perils_美国的霸权霸道霸凌及其危害_2023_02_20)?

?? 中韩两国外长日前在青岛会晤时就这一问题深入交换了意见,阐述了各自立场,认为应重视彼此安全关切,努力予以妥善处理,不使其成为影响两国关系的绊脚石。?

The Chinese and ROK foreign ministers held in-depth exchange of views on this issue during their recent meeting in Qingdao, where they elaborated on the two sides’ respective positions and agreed to take each other’s security concerns seriously and strive to properly handle the issue to make sure it does not become a stumbling block to bilateral relations.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on August 12, 2022)?

?? 双方同意重视对方合理关切,继续审慎处理和管控好这一问题,不使其成为影响两国关系健康稳定发展的绊脚石。?

Both [China and ROK] agreed to take each other’s legitimate concerns seriously and continue to prudently handle and properly manage this issue to make sure it does not become a stumbling block to the sound and steady growth of bilateral relations.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on August 10, 2022)

  • 非法移民? [fēi fǎ yí mín]? illegal migrants:?

Today’s quote:


What I can tell you is that China’s position on the issue of illegal migrants is consistent and clear. China opposes and firmly cracks down on all forms of illegal migration.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on April 10, 2024)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 有数据显示,2021财年,美国执法部门在美国和墨西哥边境逮捕非法移民约170万人次,创20年来最高纪录,其中包含14.5万名儿童。?

According to statistics, US law enforcement authorities arrested about 1.7 million migrants at the US southern border for fiscal year 2021, a record high for 20 years. That included roughly 145,000 minors.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on June 29, 2022)?

?? 在疫情背景之下,美国还不顾国际社会反对,将成千上万感染新冠病毒的非法移民加紧遣返回国,直接造成许多拉美国家疫情加剧。?

Amid COVID-19, the US speeded up the repatriation of tens of thousands of COVID-infected illegal migrants despite international opposition. This directly worsened the pandemic situation in many Latin American countries.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on June 29, 2022)

  • 和平勋章? [hé píng xūn zhāng]? peace medal:?

Today’s quote:


On April 9, [2024] the awarding ceremony to honor the 27th Chinese peacekeeping contingent to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) was held at the “China Peninsula” camp of the Chinese contingent in South Kivu. All 218 Chinese peacekeepers were awarded the UN Peace Medal. Head of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the DRC and Special Representative of the Secretary-General in the DRC Bintou Keita commended the Chinese peacekeepers and said the Chinese peacekeepers have exemplified dedication and professionalism through their mission and helped defend peace and development in the region.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on April 10, 2024)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 关于军队涉外功勋荣誉表彰,《条例》明确了我军对外方人员实施功勋荣誉表彰和我军人员接受外方功勋荣誉表彰的有关事项,明确军队涉外勋章、奖章、纪念章包括“和平勋章”、和平奖章、和平纪念章,主要由军徽、和平鸽、橄榄枝等元素构成。?

Regarding the foreign-related military honors and awards, the regulation clarifies relevant matters in providing military honors and awards to foreign nationals and the acceptance of foreign honors and awards by Chinese military personnel. The regulations stipulate the foreign-related distinguished medals, meritorious medals and commemorative medals including the Peace Distinguished Medal, the Peace Meritorious Medal, and the Peace Commemorative Medal. The design of the medals mainly composes of elements like military emblems, peace doves, and olive branches.? (Regular Press Conference of the Ministry of National Defense on February 24, 2022)

  • 经济移民? [jīng jì yí mín]? economic migrant:?


US Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell also made these remarks yesterday. He said that a large number of Chinese “economic migrants” coming to the US in recent months has been “gathering concern”, and that China was aware but did not seem to be taking steps to curtail the flow.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on April 10, 2024)

  • 旅行提醒? [lǚ xíng tí xǐng]? travel advisory; travel alert:?

Today’s quote:


The US State Department travel warning against China are totally unwarranted and have deterred many Americans wanting to come to China. We hope the US will rescind those groundless warning and revise the wrongful advisory level as soon as possible to remove this stumbling block in China-US people-to-people exchanges.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on April 10, 2024)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 美国国务院发布赴华旅行提醒称,中国正在扩大对外国公民和企业安全审查,存在出入境禁令和错误拘押。?

The US State Department updated its China Travel Advisory, claiming that China is expanding security scrutiny of citizens and businesses of other countries, and there may be entry and exit bans and wrongful detentions.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on July 10, 2023)?

?? 加拿大政府刚刚发布了赴华旅行提醒,警告加公民“中国可能对加来华人员‘随意’执法”。?

The Canadian government just issued advice to travelers, saying and warning that "China could arbitrarily enforce the law on Canadians traveling to China".? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on January 15, 2019)?

?? 中国驻古晋总领馆已要求当地警方在确保中国公民安全的前提下开展营救,并采取切实措施保障在当地的中国公民安全。中国外交部和驻古晋总领馆已发布相关旅行提醒。?

The Chinese Consulate General in Kuching has asked local police to put the safety of the Chinese citizen first while they carry out rescue and take concrete measures to protect Chinese citizens there. The Chinese Foreign Ministry and the Consulate General in Kuching have issued travel alerts.? (Foreign Ministry press conference on May 7, 2014)

  • 四个充分尊重? [sì gè chōng fèn zūn zhòng]? four full respects (of China’s policy toward Pacific Island countries; that: China fully respects the sovereignty and independence of Pacific Island Countries, fully respects their will, fully respects their cultural traditions and fully respects their effort to seek strength through unity):?

Today’s quote:


China and Pacific Island countries boast a long history of cooperation. Our cooperation serves the common interests of the two sides and is welcomed by the governments and people of Pacific Island countries. Last July [2023], President Xi Jinping presented China’s policy toward Pacific Island countries. Specifically, China fully respects the Pacific Island countries’ sovereignty and independence, and their will, cultural traditions and effort to seek strength through unity.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on April 10, 2024)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 中方将秉持“四个充分尊重”政策,在平等相待、相互尊重、合作共赢、开放包容基础上,同瑙方开展各领域交流合作,造福两国人民和子孙后代。?

China will uphold the “four full respects” policy and work with Nauru in various fields based on equality, mutual respect, mutually beneficial cooperation, openness and inclusiveness for the benefit of the two peoples and their future generations.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on January 24, 2024)?

?? 习近平主席会见索加瓦雷总理时,深入阐释了中国对太平洋岛国的“四个充分尊重”政策,即充分尊重岛国主权和独立、充分尊重岛国意愿、充分尊重岛国民族文化传统、充分尊重岛国联合自强,这是中方发展同太平洋岛国关系的根本遵循。?

When meeting with Prime Minister Sogavare, President Xi Jinping presented China’s “four full respects” policy toward Pacific Island countries, namely China fully respects the sovereignty and independence of Pacific Island Countries, fully respects their will, fully respects their cultural traditions and fully respects their effort to seek strength through unity. This policy embodies the fundamental guiding principles for China’s relations with Pacific Island countries.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on July 12, 2023)

  • 太平洋岛国? [tài píng yáng dǎo guó]? Pacific Island Countries, PICs:?

Today’s quote:


China and Pacific Island countries boast a long history of cooperation. Our cooperation serves the common interests of the two sides and is welcomed by the governments and people of Pacific Island countries. Last July [2023], President Xi Jinping presented China’s policy toward Pacific Island countries. Specifically, China fully respects the Pacific Island countries’ sovereignty and independence, and their will, cultural traditions and effort to seek strength through unity. Yesterday [April 10, 2024], during the meeting with President Wesley Simina of FSM, President Xi Jinping further stressed our belief that when countries develop relations with Pacific Island countries, it is essential for these countries to let Pacific Island countries make their own choices, put development first, and stay open and inclusive. The island countries have the right to choose a development path suited to their national conditions and carry out friendly cooperation with all development partners. China will continue working with Pacific Island countries under the principles of mutual respect, equal-footed consultation, win-win cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, to bring more benefits to the people of island countries, promote development and revitalization of island countries, and advance peace, stability, development and prosperity of the region.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on April 10, 2024)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 我们多次指出,中所安全合作是中所关系不断深化、两国互信不断增强、双边合作不断拓展的体现和成果,有利于提升所方维稳能力,有利于促进所罗门群岛社会稳定,有利于增进所罗门群岛人民及各国在所公民的共同利益和福祉,得到所方和其他太平洋岛国的理解和支持。?

As we have said on multiple occasions, the security cooperation between China and Solomon Islands embodies and is the outcome of deepening bilateral ties, increasing mutual trust and expanding bilateral cooperation. It helps to improve Solomon Islands’ capability in maintaining stability, promote social stability in the country and advance the shared interest and well-being of the local people and foreign citizens there. The cooperation has won understanding and support from the Solomon Islands and other Pacific Island Countries (PICs).? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on April 19, 2022)?

?? 太平洋岛国不是谁家的“后院”,更不是地缘对抗的“棋子”。?

PICs are not the backyard of anyone, still less chess pieces in a geopolitical contest.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on April 19, 2022)?

?? 岛国有对外合作多元化的实际需要,也有自主选择合作伙伴的权利。?

PICs have the actual need to diversify their cooperation with other countries and the right to independently choose their cooperation partners.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on April 19, 2022)?

?? 蓄意渲染紧张氛围、挑动阵营对立的做法在岛国地区没有市场,干扰阻挠岛国对华合作的图谋也注定徒劳。?

Sensationalizing an atmosphere of tension and stoking bloc confrontation will get no support in the region. Attempts to meddle with and obstruct PICs’ cooperation with China will be in vain.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on April 19, 2022)

  • 维和官兵? [wéi hé guān bīng]? peacekeeper, peacekeeping troops (esp. as part of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations):?

Today’s quote:


On April 9 [2024], the awarding ceremony to honor the 27th Chinese peacekeeping contingent to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) was held at the “China Peninsula” camp of the Chinese contingent in South Kivu. All 218 Chinese peacekeepers were awarded the UN Peace Medal. Head of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the DRC and Special Representative of the Secretary-General in the DRC Bintou Keita commended the Chinese peacekeepers and said the Chinese peacekeepers have exemplified dedication and professionalism through their mission and helped defend peace and development in the region. China is an active participant of and important contributor to UN peacekeeping operations. China is the largest troop contributor to peacekeeping operations among the permanent members of the Security Council and the second largest contributor to UN peacekeeping assessments. We have dispatched a total of over 50,000 peacekeepers. Chinese peacekeepers abide by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, act in strict accordance with their mandates and faithfully fulfill their peacekeeping missions. China will continue to actively participate in UN peacekeeping operations and play a bigger role in safeguarding international peace and security.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on April 10, 2024)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 自1990年首次向联合国停战监督组织派出军事观察员起,中国累计派出维和人员5万余人次,赴20多个国家和地区参加联合国维和行动。从排雷清爆、监督停火,到安全护卫、紧急救援,不管面前是硝烟战火还是疫情灾害,中国维和部队官兵都英勇无畏、不辱使命,守护安全与稳定,不惜献出生命。他们既带来和平的曙光,又播下发展的种子。他们的担当与大爱赢得当地民众和国际社会的广泛赞誉。在黎巴嫩,中国维和医疗分队多次为当地百姓义诊、赠药,提供人道主义医疗援助;在苏丹,中国“蓝盔”在沙漠边缘区打井,让达尔富尔民众喝上“放心水”;在南苏丹,中国维和官兵向当地人民传授农业技术、赠送农具菜种;在刚果(金),中国维和部队与布卡武市“国际儿童村”结成对子,中国维和女官兵被当地儿童亲切称为“中国妈妈”。中国“蓝盔”所到之处,“和平蓝”与“中国红”交相辉映,成为当地亮丽的风景线。中国参加联合国维和行动走过了30余年不平凡历程。今天中国已成为安理会常任理事国中派遣维和人员最多的国家,也是联合国第二大维和摊款国,被国际社会誉为“维和行动的关键因素和关键力量”。中国将继续做联合国维和行动的积极参与者,以实际行动为世界和平与发展贡献更大力量。?

Since China first sent military observers to the UN Truce Supervision Organization in 1990, China has sent over 50,000 peacekeepers to participate in UN peacekeeping operations (UNPKOs) in more than 20 countries and regions. From eliminating mines and explosive hazards to ceasefire monitoring, from force protection to emergency rescue, Chinese peacekeeping soldiers have shown bravery, competence and absolute commitment to their mission of safeguarding security and stability even if it means making the ultimate sacrifice whether in wars, epidemics or disasters. The Chinese peacekeepers not only brought hope for peace but also sow seeds of development. Their heroic deeds and selfless devotion has won wide recognition from the locals and the international community. In Lebanon, Chinese peacekeeping medical units have constantly provided free diagnosis and medicine and humanitarian medical assistance to local people. In Sudan, Chinese Blue Helmets dug wells on the fringe of the desert in Darfur to supply clean drinking water for the people there. In South Sudan, Chinese military peacekeepers taught local people agricultural technologies and gave away tools and seeds. In the DRC, Chinese peacekeepers ran a twinning project in SOS Children’s Village Bukavu to offer help, and children in the village called the female members their Chinese mothers. Wherever the Chinese peacekeepers are deployed, the blue color of their helmets and the red color of China’s national flag shine brightly on each other—an impressive symbol of peace for the locals. China’s participation in UNPKOs in the past 30-plus years has been an extraordinary journey. China is now the largest troop contributor to peacekeeping operations among the five permanent members of the Security Council and the second largest contributor to UN peacekeeping assessments and hailed as a key factor and force in peacekeeping operations. China will continue to be an active participant in UNPKOs and make greater contribution to world peace and development with concrete actions.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on October 13, 2023)?

?? 在战火频仍的维和任务区,中国维和官兵用汗水和青春播种和平的种子,用热血和生命撑起一片片和平的蓝天。例如,2006年至2023年初,中国维和官兵在黎巴嫩累计排除各种地雷及未爆物1.5万余枚,受到黎巴嫩民众和联黎部队广泛赞誉。?

In war-ridden mission areas, Chinese military peacekeepers have dedicated their youth, hard work and even life and blood in exchange for peace. For example, from 2006 to early 2023, Chinese military peacekeepers disposed of over 15,000 landmines and unexploded ordnance in Lebanon, which has been widely commended by the Lebanese people and the United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on April 17, 2023)?

?? 1990年4月,中国向联合国停战监督组织派出5名军事观察员,开启了中国军队参加联合国维和行动的光辉历程。30多年来,中国军队派出维和官兵的数量和类型全面发展,从最初的军事观察员,发展到工兵分队、医疗分队、运输分队、直升机分队、警卫分队、步兵营等成建制部队以及参谋军官、军事观察员、合同制军官等维和军事专业人员。中国维和官兵的足迹遍布柬埔寨、刚果(金)、利比里亚、苏丹、黎巴嫩、塞浦路斯、南苏丹、马里、中非等20多个国家和地区,在推进和平解决争端、维护地区安全稳定、促进驻在国经济社会发展等方面作出了重要贡献。中国军队参加联合国维和行动源于中华民族的和平基因,源于中国人民的天下情怀,源于人民军队的根本宗旨,源于中国的大国担当。30多年来,中国军队先后参加25项联合国维和行动,派出官兵近5万人次,有16名官兵献出宝贵生命。目前,我军共有2240名官兵在7个维和任务区和联合国总部执行任务。中国军队在联合国维和行动中,始终牢记履行大国担当、维护世界和平、服务构建人类命运共同体的初心和使命,为世界和平英勇出征、砥砺前行,中国“蓝盔”成为联合国维护和平的关键力量。中国以实际行动维护世界和平,已成为联合国安理会常任理事国中第一大出兵国。

In April 1990, the Chinese armed forces dispatched five military observers to the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO), embarking on a new voyage as a participant in the United Nations Peacekeeping Operations (UNPKOs). Over the past 30 odd years, China's armed forces have contributed a growing number of peacekeepers across an expanding range of deployments. From a few military observers at the outset of its involvement, China’s armed forces are now sending both formed units and military professionals. Chinese military peacekeepers serve on the UN missions in engineering, medical, transport, helicopter, force protection and infantry units, and as staff officers, military observers, and seconded officers. Chinese military peacekeepers have left their footprints in over 20 countries and regions including Cambodia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Liberia, Sudan, Lebanon, Cyprus, South Sudan, Mali and the Central African Republic. They have made important contributions to facilitating the peaceful settlement of disputes, safeguarding regional security and stability, and promoting economic and social development of host nations. China's armed forces participate in the UNPKOs because the pursuit of peace is in the genes of the Chinese nation, because Chinese people care about the wellbeing of humanity, because serving the people is the fundamental purpose of the people's armed forces, and because China honors its responsibility as a major country. Over the past 30 odd years, China's armed forces have contributed nearly 50,000 service members to 25 UN peacekeeping missions. Sixteen Chinese military peacekeepers have sacrificed their lives for the noble cause of peace. At the moment, a total of 2,240 Chinese military peacekeepers are serving on seven UN peacekeeping missions and at UNHQ. In the UNPKOs, China's armed forces have engaged in the UNPKOs with courage and determination, always aspiring to fulfill their missions of meeting the responsibilities of a major country, safeguarding world peace, and contributing to the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, going on gallantly the expedition of safeguarding world peace. China's Blue Helmets have become a key element in UNPKOs. China takes concrete actions to safeguard world peace and has become the largest troop-contributing country (TCC) among the permanent members of the UN Security Council.? (Regular Press Conference of the Ministry of National Defense on May 2022)?

?? 中国积极参加联合国维和行动,成为联合国安理会常任理事国第一大维和出兵国、第二大维和摊款国。30多年来,中国军队先后参加25项联合国维和行动,累计派出维和官兵近5万人次。中国蓝盔不畏艰险、履职尽责,在任务区监督停火、保护平民、稳定局势、救死扶伤、播撒希望,为促进和平解决争端、维护安全稳定、加快有关国家经济和社会发展作出积极贡献,受到各方高度赞誉。进入新时代,中国军队全面落实习近平主席出席联合国维和峰会时宣布的承诺,组建8000人规模维和待命部队,加大对联合国维和行动的支持和参与力度。当前,共有2200余名中国维和官兵部署在南苏丹、刚果(金)、马里、黎巴嫩、阿卜耶伊、西撒哈拉、中东停战监督组织等7个任务区及联合国总部遂行维和任务。?

China takes an active part in UNPKOs. It is the largest troop-contributing country and the second largest financial contributor to peacekeeping operations among the permanent members of the UNSC. In the past 30-odd years, the Chinese military has sent around 50,000 peacekeepers to participate in 25 UNPKOs. The Chinese Blue Helmets have defied difficulties and dangers and earnestly fulfilled their duties. In the mission areas, they have made great efforts to supervise ceasefires, protect civilians, stabilize local situations, save lives, and spread the seeds of hope. Their positive contributions to promoting the peaceful resolution of disputes, maintaining security and stability, and accelerating economic and social development in relevant countries have been highly commended by various parties. In the new era, the Chinese military has comprehensively implemented the pledges announced by President Xi Jinping at the UN Peacekeeping Summit. We have built an 8,000-strong standby peacekeeping force and strengthened support for UNPKOs. Currently, more than 2,200 Chinese peacekeepers are deployed in the UN Headquarters and seven mission areas, namely South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Mali, Lebanon, Abyei, Western Sahara and the UN Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO).? (Regular Press Conference of the Ministry of National Defense on October 28, 2021)

  • 相互尊重、平等协商、互利共赢、开放包容? [xiāng hù zūn zhòng, píng děng xié shāng, hù lì gòng yíng, kāi fàng bāo róng]? mutual respect, equal-footed consultation, win-win cooperation, openness and inclusiveness (as a principle of China’s relations with Pacific Island countries):?


China will continue working with Pacific Island countries under the principles of mutual respect, equal-footed consultation, win-win cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, to bring more benefits to the people of island countries, promote development and revitalization of island countries, and advance peace, stability, development and prosperity of the region.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on April 10, 2024)

  • 以和平为名秀肌肉? [yǐ hé píng wèi míng xiù jī ròu]? flexing muscles in the name of peace:?


With the concerted efforts of China and ASEAN countries, the South China Sea has been generally peaceful and stable. There is no issue with regard to the freedom of navigation in the South China Sea. Countries outside the region, led by the US, have been cobbling together small groupings in the South China Sea. They have been stoking confrontation in the name of cooperation, flexing muscles in the name of peace, and sowing chaos in the name of order. This is no doubt an act of hegemonism. Let me make it clear, no external interference will deter China from defending our territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on April 10, 2024)

  • 以合作为名搞对抗? [yǐ hé zuò wéi míng gǎo duì kàng]? stoking confrontation in the name of cooperation:?


With the concerted efforts of China and ASEAN countries, the South China Sea has been generally peaceful and stable. There is no issue with regard to the freedom of navigation in the South China Sea. Countries outside the region, led by the US, have been cobbling together small groupings in the South China Sea. They have been stoking confrontation in the name of cooperation, flexing muscles in the name of peace, and sowing chaos in the name of order. This is no doubt an act of hegemonism. Let me make it clear, no external interference will deter China from defending our territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on April 10, 2024)

  • 以秩序为名制造乱局? [yǐ zhì xù wèi míng zhì zào luàn jú]? sowing chaos in the name of order:?


With the concerted efforts of China and ASEAN countries, the South China Sea has been generally peaceful and stable. There is no issue with regard to the freedom of navigation in the South China Sea. Countries outside the region, led by the US, have been cobbling together small groupings in the South China Sea. They have been stoking confrontation in the name of cooperation, flexing muscles in the name of peace, and sowing chaos in the name of order. This is no doubt an act of hegemonism. Let me make it clear, no external interference will deter China from defending our territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on April 10, 2024)

  • 主权信用? [zhǔ quán xìn yòng]? sovereign credit:?


I want to stress that the long-term positive trend of China’s economic growth has not changed. The Chinese government’s capability and resolve to maintain a good sovereign credit has not changed either.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on April 10, 2024)

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