So,who is our Creator again?A best scientist,economist,strategist and better yet,someone else first?

So,who is our Creator again?A best scientist,economist,strategist and better yet,someone else first?

Granted, we all may not agree, how our universe came into existence (creation, evolution etc); however, if at all there is an agreement among experts, it is the fact that our universe is governed by nature’s first principles (or laws). In other words, most agree that our universe is designed with a set of predetermined fractal patterns, that can be traced back to a “first cause, no cause” source, called the creator of universe, even if they don’t subscribe to a worldview of calling that source as God!

That said, as I look at the topic (or the question) of our post today, it sure enough, sounds like a great debating topic, and so, for a change, I am wondering, if we can write today’s post, in a debating construct, by inviting three of our fictitious friends (Tom, Dick and Harry), not only to debate this topic, but also, help our Chairperson, to find the right answer for this question?

First things first -

With one of the key ground rules of a good debate is agreeing on a premise (to ensure that debaters are debating within its guardrails), how about agreeing on a premise called “universe’s first principles”, before we go too far with our debate today?

Also, for the purposes of this debate, how about agreeing on an assumption that first principles, in this context just means, nature’s top three principles only (i.e. energy management, seasonality and balancing opposites). Sure enough, these three principles happen to be the foundation behind our firm’s Virtual Ocean Strategy (VOS) framework driven VizPlanet platform as well.

With that as a prelude, and without any further due; let us invite Tom, our first debater –

1. Tom builds a compelling case, that our creator is a best scientist first, before being anyone else…

Mr. / Ms. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen –

With us already having heard enough of introduction on this topic, let me come straight to the point, with a help of scripture/science balanced story. It is our hypothesis that the eternal dark matter, called singularity is nothing but the “first cause, no cause” creator. Sure enough, gravity happens to be infinity, within this singularity grid and this is where, the spoken WORD (i.e.  the first cause, no cause source that sounded/vibrated like LET THERE BE LIGHT, DVR,OM or ALLAH), not only, reduced gravity from infinity to an optimal level, but also, helped light to escape, before manifesting as our universe. In other words, this is the point in time; universe’s energy started accelerating in both SPACE and TIME dimensions, by setting the first principles in motion. Sure enough, the first decision, ever made by our creator was a scientific decision to set these first principles in motion, and so, it goes without saying your honor, that our creator is the best scientist first, before being anyone else – and let that be my last word!

Chairperson: Thank you Tom – as much as it sounds like a convincing argument, let us see what our friend Dick has got to say…

2. Dick builds a compelling case that our creator is a best economist first, before being anyone else…

Mr. / Ms. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen –

Having already heard enough of introduction including Tom’s argument let me cut to the chase quickly as well –

The #1 tangible/collaborative decision, ever made by our creator is an economic decision, by answering the following question

  • How to manage and multiply universe’s resources wisely?

So, my argument is simple, your honor that, our creator is a best economist first, as his first scientific decision was an intangible, command control type autocratic decision, that cannot be physically experienced by everyone. Not to mention, for someone to be best in a field, he/she has to be best in all dimensions(by being inclusive), and this is where, our creator’s collaborative economic decision, in my mind, has an edge over his command and control scientific decision, which makes me to say that our creator is the best economist first, before being anyone else.

What do I mean?

Our creator, your honor, in my mind, had 3 choices, when exploring the options to run this universe

  1. Micromanage it every step of the way i.e. the Garden of Eden way.
  2. Manage it with his first principles driven motivational free will or with the so called invisible hand. We define the invisible hand in this context as “collaboration without coercion”, by slightly enhancing Friedman’s definition of “cooperation without coercion” and Adam smith’s original definition. Our rationale is collaboration; in our mind is a composite trait of cooperation + coordination.
  3. Manage with a hybrid option i.e. with first principles driven motivational free will and intervene on an, as needed basis. In other words, it is option 2 + divine intervention on an, as needed basis.

The great collaborator our creator is, he wanted mankind to have a say on choosing one of these three choices, and so, it is our hypothesis that our creator gave an Apple test for Adam and Eve on the Garden of Eden to choose their choice. Granted, Adam and Eve failed the test; however, the best way to reframe the outcome of the Apple test perhaps is that, Adam and Eve opted for Freewill, by failing on the Apple test your honor (which is nothing but opting for Option #2). However, creator knew that freewill, when used within the context of universe’s first principles would create chaos, and so, he enhanced option 2, with a safety net called LAW and GRACE, with a prerogative for him to intervene in, on an as needed basis.

And if I need to explain this safety net strategy in a scripture neutral way, it is the moral LAW (given in the form of ten commandments  and/or other moral laws in eastern epic scriptures) and GRACE through Jesus (or KARMA thru works in eastern epics), apart from the selective interventions, that are invoked through our faith based prayers.

In other words, for this Hybrid option to run its own sustainable course, our creator had to infuse in us a set of MOTIVATORS and BELIEFS. Some MOTIVATORS include, but not limited to are, thirst for salvation, procreating urge (sex), sense of purpose (mission), mastery (recognition), heroism (celebration) to name a few. BELIEFS in this context are viewpoints from scriptures (both east and west).

For these motivations, to self sustain within our freewill loop (or the invisible hand loop if I need to put it in economics language), our creator had to leverage the principle of opposites (i.e. Joy & Pain), so that, we'll multiply joyfully.

How does principle of opposite motivate us under freewill? By making the process of procreation joyful!

In other words, for the emotional feeling of joy to make us feel great, there needs to be an opposing trait like pain. So, allowing Joy/Pain and good/evil (or in a larger sense principle of opposites), is the price our creator had to pay, in exchange for our freewill, lest, we will be puppets in our creator's hand (which is option 1).

Without going on and on, let me stop here for now, as my argument is very simple your honor… Our creator’s first economic decision was not only a tangible economic decision (how to manage/multiply our resources), but also, a collaborative decision (in partnership with mankind), that was further augmented with a well thought out safety net strategy, and so, in my mind, our creator is the best economist first, before being someone else. Granted, our creator made the scientific decision much before his economic decision, however, it was an intangible decision that can’t be visualized by everyone your honor. In addition, for someone to be best, he/she has got be best in all dimensions(by being inclusive), and this is where, our creator’s collaborative decision has an edge over his command and control scientific decision, which makes me to conclude that our creator is the best economist first, before being someone else.

Chair Person: Thank you Dick and it sure does sound like a convincing argument; nevertheless, let us see, what our friend Harry has to say, before I make my final judgment.

3. Harry builds a compelling case that our creator is a best strategist first, before being anyone else…

Harry:  Mr. / Ms. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen –

As they say, being the last speaker in a debate has its own pros and cons – however, in this case, both Tom and Dick have made my job lot more easier your honor, and so, I am going to just reframe what they have already said (without disagreeing to any of it) and prove my case …

Chairperson: So, you are a team of three today then…

As you say so, your honor, as I feel like a third person of Trinity today, and so, I am going to just build my case, by using all of their arguments (very much like how the third person of the trinity uses already written scripture to speak to us) and prove why our creator is a best strategist first, before being someone else…

First things first –

What is strategy after all?While it has been defined many different ways, one definition, we have hammered again and again, in our writings is the following -

  • Strategy is all about creating value, by making wise choices (or decisions), by imagining the end state first, before working in reverse to bring that end state to life, as explained in our VOS framework.

That said, as much as I agree with the arguments put forward by both Tom and Dick, may I point out an important point that was missed out by them,your honor, that our creator made those two decisions(including the future decisions) as a thought experiment first(as part of his predetermined plan), much before  physically executing them in reality. In other words, our creator thought through the whole thing, as an end to end strategy, much before, physically executing the actual steps, which in my mind, makes him the best strategist first, before being a best scientist and/or an economist!

For example,

Our Creator knew that freewill, when misused, will create chaos, and so, His safety net intervention strategy was GRACE and/or KARMA. What is interesting is, how our creator, masterfully executed His GRACE intervention strategy, with a help of universe’s first principles. For example, in the biblical parley, when our creator decided to send Jesus to the cross, our creator knew that he can do so only, in accordance with the LAW (i.e. by not violating it) - and sure enough, he did it, by fulfilling the law perfectly. For example, LAW says that an unblemished, has to be sacrificed to bear humanity’s sins, and the dilemma our creator faced was, how do we make an unblemished/innocent person to go to cross? This is where, our creator, with his mastery, used the principle of opposites, to motivate the people to conspire against an innocent/unblemished lamb before putting him on the cross so that he can release GRACE, without contradicting himself. Please note that GRACE in this context is God's Riches At Christ's Expense.

Simply put, if I may put it in today's business parley, our creator planned His GRACE intervention strategy, much before universe was ever created, with a plan of anchoring it on universe’s first principles, which is yet another reason, that makes him the best strategist first your honor! In other words, our creator, has given us us one of the best “first principles” driven strategy framework for future generations, that when our strategic decisions are anchored on universe’s 1st principles, the universe itself will conspire to bring our decisions to life, very much like how our creator’s strategic decision of sending Jesus to the cross (to release GRACE), was accomplished your honor - and let that be my last word!

Chairperson: Thank you Harry for that stellar reframing!

Wow, what a debate! You all have made my job, all the more difficult, as each of you have made a compelling case, for each of your positions.

For the benefit of our audiences, let me quickly synthesize the crux of your arguments -

  1. With the fact that the first decision, ever made by our creator was, setting the scientific principles in motion, it makes our creator the best scientist first before being someone else.
  2. Granted universe’s first principles were set in motion first; however, it was an intangible, autocratic, command and control type of a decision. Not to mention, for someone to be the best in a field, he/she needs to be best in all dimensions (by being inclusive), and this is where, our creator’s collaborative economic decision, that was made with mankind (with a safety net strategy), makes him the best economist first before being someone else.
  3. Granted our creator made all of these decisions first - however, let’s not forget an important point that, our creator made these decisions(including all the future decisions) as a thought experiment first (as part of his predetermined plan from end to the beginning), much before physically executing his decisions, which makes him the best strategist first, before being someone else!

That said, I am really in a tricky spot -

I don’t think you are going to invite me for your next debate, if I decide to side with any one of you, as each and every one of you have built such a compelling case, especially, when we look at this question, from your own role specific lenses (scientist, economist, strategist etc).

This is when, as I started thinking about the best way to give a win: win judgment, it just dawned on me that, our creator indeed masterfully planned and executed his actions, first by navigating through the whole spectrum of tangible entities (like matter, energy, mankind) and the intangible entities (like nature’s first principles, LAW/GRACE/KARMA etc),  which in my mind, sounds like a great leadership trait more than any other discipline oriented traits!

Also, as you all know better than I do, that one of the top leadership trait is, to get things done, by picking and choosing the right entity/resource for the right moment, by exploiting their fullest potential, with a complimentary/collaborative mindset. Sure enough, our creator fits that definition 100%, as he not only executed the tasks assigned to these roles (scientist, economist and strategist and more) in an exemplary manner, but also, got it done by going an extra mile, by being a leader first!

In other words, as much as I agree that our creator is a best scientist, economist and/or a strategist etc, in my mind; those roles are his seasonal roles only, however, if at all, he has one permanent hat, it is his leadership hat, and so, may I end this debate with a following judgment?

  • The Creator of our universe is a best leader first, before being a best scientist, economist and/or a strategist, as synthesized in the exhibit above!
Ali Anani, PhD

Columnist & Featured Contributor at BIZCATALYST 360

9 年

Brad Ferguson, Charles Prabakar is a great thinker. I have read all his post, and has never failed my expectations.



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