Sow the Wind - Reap the Whirlwind
Image BBC

Sow the Wind - Reap the Whirlwind

On the morning of 1st March I wake up deeply disturbed by the events in the Whitehouse Oval Office. Into my awareness floats the words from Shakespeare's play where the omen warns Julius Caesar to '...Beware the Ides of March.' I am deeply troubled. I found Vance's patronising pat on Trumps arm after the puerile exchange particularly disquieting. Invited to consider that President Donald Trump's election might be 'the hand of God at work' I offer my considered response:

Deus ex Machina

The notion of the 'hand of God' in support of the Trump narrative is an expression of the dualistic ideological 'Deus ex Machina' dogma stance. “Deus Ex Machina ('God out of a machine' in Latin)” is described as being commonly used to indicate the implausible situation where a divine character is suddenly introduced into a storyline and resolves its tangled conflicts. For me this view remains rooted in dualism - the world of spirit as separate from the world of matter. We need Jan Smuts' holistic integrative view of spirit functioning in and though manifest body.

Process and Emergence

Meanwhile, if the depth of that perspective still remains too obscure we can go to A. N. Whitehead's 'process and emergence' view. For him the divine creative impulse is working through existing circumstances - nature functions with what works - and with the systemic view that which disrupts the coherence of the greater whole is ultimately eliminated. So there is no external 'God' interfering in our human affairs.

Invisible hand

In his book 'The Wealth of Nations' Adam Smith described a balancing economic process as an 'invisible hand' in the capitalist ideology. He believed that four principles would bring about economic prosperity. These were firstly 'self-interest' (people would act to their own economic advantage), secondly 'competition' (a variety of options would ensure the availability of the best quality of goods and services), thirdly 'rational choice' (people would given due consideration to the economic decisions they make) and fourthly the trickle down effect (in the capitalist model this would ultimately benefit the population). Why did that fail and bring the mighty United States to its current hiatus? To blame the Democrats would be disingenuous. Donald Trump's victory is a function of the deep disenchantment with a failed capitalist ideology. And the reason it failed is because it is trapped in a paradigm of mechanistic materialism.?

The transactional view

Donald Trump's belated and ultimately futile attempt to restore capitalist ideology via global deal-making shows that he remains oblivious to the shortcomings in Adam Smith's thinking. Firstly 'self-interest' overlooks the natural tendency to altruism in healthy societies - a human tendency so derailed in the materialistic era of extractive capitalism. Secondly 'competition' has become skewed in deal-making between the financial elite into exploitative cartels. Thirdly 'rational choice' ignores the reality of the herd effect (in complexity science path-dependency) when trends are manipulated through selective media narratives - this accounts for the huge polarisation in American society. And fourthly the 'trickle down effect' might have worked in a society informed by the deep Christian ethos of 'love of neighbour' but in our extractive mechanistic materialistic fixation, the transactional view, it has led to a huge disjunct between the mega-wealthy and the rest of struggling society. It would be folly to even begin to think that Trump's puerile pugnacity might address these complex subtleties. At best, he could disrupt prevailing institutions to the extent that they collapse, or find a way to self-organise to greater organic coherent realism.?

Creative disruption

So it might be that in Whitehead's view of process and emergence Trumps' function is to disrupt, to break down, loosen the logjam. However the evidence of his character and vision offer little hope for the realisation of the three ethical criteria I have described as the alternative to the transactional approach.

  1. Collaboration and competition

There is an appropriate balance between collaboration and competition. Blunt deal-making is not collaborative. In this view the function of competition, in the natural context of the fitness landscape, is to ensure the best quality of generative participation in the holistic collaborative process. Natural selection enables the most generative participation - see:

2. Systemic coherence

Policies and actions lead to greater systemic coherence. Trump's fractious proclamations, despite his spurious claim to being on the 'side of the world', as so visibly demonstrated in his attempt to bully Zelensky, tends to incite disruption and polarisation. Ultimately existence is one eco-system - it is holistic. And it is dynamically self-organising. Does the action empower or disempower the agencies of self-organisation?

3. Human evolution

Attitudes and approaches enable on-going evolution of human consciousness. Trump's views are retrogressive and reactionary. Making America great again is about power and dominance - far removed from advancing human becoming - see:

Vision - Europe's role

Yes, our prevailing global paradigm probably needs to be disrupted, but the Biblical injunction still stands, Proverbs 29;18: "Where there is no vision the people perish..." America needs to restore the profound vision of its founding fathers. Might Trump's disruption be turning the soil for that? The world watches with deep concern - and yes, it is a wake-up call to Europe, despite Vance's vapid diatribe, to take fuller ownership of its own destiny as a remaining bastion of human freedom and democratic values.

Capitalism vs socialism?

Lest my critique of extractive capitalism be misinterpreted as advocating Marxist type socialism let me be clear. Jan Smuts rejected Hegel's notion of the 'state' as the fulfilment of the dialectical process - for him the process of evolutionary cosmic?creation was fulfilled in the fully individuated Personality (capital P intentional). So let's put the socialist dictum in its proper perspective. Smuts' view is what I believe the US founding fathers also advocated.

From deal-making to regenerative busy-ness

Life is not transactional - life does not hoard - and yes, life does store for lean times. Security is not in numbers in the bank - our only security is a regenerative association with life itself. I emphasise: the only real enduring 'capital' is not millions in the bank - it is nature's regenerative capacity - and the real intermediary between the divine cosmic process and our personal evolution is the riches of the living soil beneath our feet. It calls for a fundamentally transformed view of existence - and it's activity, its busy-ness, calls for a fundamentally transformed view of business as seen the the lens of holistic economics.

Claudius van Wyk

Co-convenor - Holos-Earth Project

5 天前

Trump has apparently just 'suspended military supplies to Ukraine. The word 'ignominy' comes to mind.


Life and the holistic universe is entirely transactional. We must be using different interpretations of language.

Richard N Knowles, Ph.D.

Partner at Richard N. Knowles & Assocates, Inc., DBA Nagele Knowles & Associates

1 周

Great perspective

Claudius van Wyk

Co-convenor - Holos-Earth Project

1 周

I'm soothing my fraught imagination today with this image. I'm imaging this cloud formation to represent the fingers of life's divine hand over today's significant gathering in London. Leaders of the world who believe in genuine freedom and human dignity are gathering to defend the unprecedented onslaught against democracy which unfolded in the White House Oval Office. .

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