Sow that seed and become a tree of value! ??
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Sow that seed and become a tree of value! ??

I was confused.

Was it heat or cold I was feeling? I wasn't sure.

But I sure knew something new has started in my life...

Everyone has their turning point moment.

Yesterday, I shared about a reality shock I recently had.

Today I'll share another.

Seemingly Bad Ol Days...

You see, for the most part of my University life, I was having fun— and wasting time!

Wasting precious time, doing hit and run for serious matters of my destiny.

I was joking.

And for you reading this, maybe that's how you were too.

Maybe you regret those days. Or better still, you crave for the restoration of those years.

I think it's possible, but you'll need to make some new moves.

And thats what Chloe helped me to do.

But who is Chloe? Where did I know her from? Were we in the same school?

It was during one of my Instagram escapades.

I was hunting— for pretty women.

And then I bumped into this one! She was pretty and definitely my spec.

This was back in 2020.

And what did I do when saw her profile?

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Slide into her dms! ??

And luckily for me, she finished from the University I was about graduating from.

So we connected ASAP.

Talked about different things.

And told her that time, that I was looking for a job. (Gush, I was so clueless about life then!)

She said she was gonna help and I was happy. I knew that getting a job would be a great way to cushion the effect of the extra year I had gotten in school.

And of course, making money wouldn't be a bad thing to do too.

Stupid Lockdown!

Yes, I call it stupid because I didn't get a job because of covid.

Think about it.

Just when I was about to fly...

The forces of existence, clipped and cut my wings??


It Made Sense Later On.

Chloe still insisted she would help— with a remote job.

Until one day she asked me:

"What skill do you have?"

What??? What the hell is that? Please, Pleaseeee!

She asked me in a WhatsApp chat. And I think I ignored it for a while before I responded later.

I didn't know what to say.

Skill? Skill?? Skill???

I answered.

"You see, anytime people talk about skills, I don't even know what it is. I don't know what's it's all about."

Looking back now, I think that's one of the most stupid responses I will ever give.

But it changes my life for good.

Moving Forward In Life.

So many lessons in this story, ranging from having a goal, to being intentional about the people you connect with and to being vulnerable enough to ask for help.

But my focus today is simple:

Skills Acquisition.

Because from that day she asked me, I started my self development journey (never to end!)

I started making money online selling my knowledge(made about 123k from June to October 2020)

Was invited twice last year to speak to fellow corpers on personal development, money and career.

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At Buguma's Nysc local government office in Rivers State

You see, that question birthed a lot of realities in my life.

From beginning my reading habit to making me understand the power of relationships.

Also, before that day, I hated writing like hell. I hated it so much that I paid my secondary school friend, Adegbesin to help me copy my geography note in SS 1,2 or 3 (can't remember the exact year)

But from the day Chloe asked me that question, I started learning different skills (including writing) that I've come to love.

There's almost no day I don't write now.

Why all these talk?

So that you'll be stirred.

To move from having a fixed mindset to having growth mindset.

A fixed mindset is a mindset that is rigid — such persons don't see a room for improvement.

They are the ones that say "it's my temperament. It's my zodiac sign. That's just who I am"

A growth mindset is the mindset that's flexible— such persons have elastic minds that can accommodate new models of living.

These ones say "I might not know how to do so and so now, but I sure can learn it. Give me some time and you'll see changes."

So the question now is this:

Are you willing to adopt the growth mindset as a lifestyle from today?

To take your personal development journey more seriously...

And carve a path for yourself in the territories you'll stride in?

It all starts with a seed— in form of questions you ask or someone asks you, the books you read, where you go and what you do per time.

Hidden in that seed is a tree of value that will benefit other people around you.

Adopt a growth mindset today, trust the process and you'll see results tomorrow.

You've got this!

I believe in you.

And I hope you believe in yourself too.

To Better Days ??

Favor Tanko

Copywriter Consultant | Elevating Brand Narratives | Empowering Businesses with Persuasive Messaging | Drive Growth and Customer Loyalty with My Words

1 年

Better days ahead, better days of better results

Coach Jane Arama

CEO & Founder-Ignited Flickers Consultancy | | Childcare & Trauma Management | Family Educator | Positive Parenting | Behaviour Management Expert

1 年

Hi. I see people so exited and happy about writing and am wondering what ain't I doing write? How can I earn from writing?


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