Sow Good So That You Reap Good
Rebecca Hubert
Founder, Director & Certified Resume Writer | ATS Compliant | International CV | Cover Letter | Infographic/PPT Resume | Company Profile | Social Media | Website Content & Website Development (Basic) | Letterhead Design
We all live in a fast paced world where technology has captured our mind and body to a great extent. Television, mobile, computer, internet has taken away our peace of mind. Our kids too are so much engrossed in these materialistic things that they have no idea about what real friends mean, what is playing games all about and what is the importance of family time.
We, on the other hand have lived our childhood in true sense. We used to play with our siblings and friends, spent more time with books and comics, and listening to quality music. Times have changed, tastes have changed, families have changed.
We cannot keep our kids away from these inventions but can keep a watch on what they are into, must keep a limit on their usage so that they can enjoy and learn what fun it is to be with people around them instead of gadgets and gizmos being their mates.
We as parents must take out time for our kids, play with them, recite stories, tell them about their roots,culture and values. They will surely imbibe these and grow up to be good humans.
Last but not the least teach them prayers and how to be thankful to God.