Col (R) Hassan Yousuf
Trainer Futurology, Smart Management & IT / Digi Tech at Pakistan Institute of Management
1???? .Worthy audience, first of all let us be clear on one point & that is what is Mundane system of attaining political supremacy or “Iqtidar” or Hukumat. Folks there is no such concept in Islam rather democratic abnormality resulting into election of unholy or errant leader is highly ????repugnant to Islamic teachings & Holy Quranic injunctions, As per the religious practices Caliph (Khalifa) or the leader of Muslims is supposed to be the available most pious person nominated by the nobility. That is how the ruler is elected to serve the people under his jurisdiction. Likewise power sharing or coalition or Mukhloot Hukumat tantamount to "Promiscuous"?tenet. It is like Shirk, indeed ? Folks the bright side is that over a period of time the concept of caliphate dwindled in malpractices of the rulers thus was pushed aside by the mundane Kings ,Monarchs, Clergy, Colonial Rule& Dictators so what we seek in “Democracy” is a bit better form of evil today if the election is free fair & the leader do not claim Hakmiat i.e. unaccountable ?Authority or solitary power lies in him, therefore a leader ?has to have most of the traits that ?are conveyed through Angels ,mentioned in all Holy Books /Scriptures &ordained through all Holy Prophets.So something is better than nothing? Let us pray for the glorification of Islam as early as possible. So now we take on the other part of this Article as under. ??
2?? . Worthy audience on the Day of Judgment, Allah? will establish His?sovereignty on His Throne of power and supreme authority, befitting His Glory and the Prophet (?) will be given a chair on the right side of Allah?’s Throne to show his superiority above all creation. Allah? is the Lord of the heavens and the earth and it is?up to Him whom He allows to sit on the right side of His chair. This cannot in any way diminish or reduce the Majesty of our Creator. For instance when a King sits with His slave, this does not reduce the status of the King but only exalts the status of His slave. In the same way the Holy Prophet (?) is the worshipful slave of Allah?.?The honor and rank of the Prophet? in the sight of Allah is unmatched and no other creation of Allah occupies such a rank and similarly in the sight of Allah, his greatness is unequalled by anyone.?
3???? .Worthy audience after every Azan a dua (besieging Allah to grant Maqam-e-Mahmood to Holy Prophet ?Muhammad (?),The question is where is Maqam-e-Mahmood? On the day of Judgment i.e ?on Dooms Day Roz-e, Mahshar (the Grand gathering ground in the Hereafter) there is an area named Maqam-e-Mahmood. Folks ,in Heaven there is:-
4???? .Worthy audience It is the place praised much, from where so much mercy and rewards rain. It is so high and glorious that the audience gets full reward of spirit. It is said that if, in that gathering at Maqam-e-Mahmood, You’ the lucky audience will reply, ‘How can we leave this pulpit of Muhammad?’ ??on the Day of Judgment, Husain will be under the shade of the Throne of God and (As per Ahke Tashi belief) God will be gathering those who had visited Husain’s grave and his Shias and they will get so much happiness, delight and mercy that it cannot be described except by God. So much so that from one side, fairies from Paradise will arrive with a message saying, "We are your lovers and we are eagerly waiting for you." The people at the said Maqam-e-Mahmood will reply, "We will come to you afterwards, if Allah wills." Once a man came to the Holy Prophet and said, "O Messenger of God! Kindly show me the way whereby God may love me and people also may love me and my possessions also may increase and my body may remain healthy and my life may be long and God may raise me up with you in the Hereafter." The Holy Prophet replied, "These are six desires which require six virtues. If you want that God should love you then fear Him and refrain from sinning and if you want that people may befriend you then do good to them and do not envy for what is in their possession and do not vie for it and if you wish that your property should increase then pay the poor tax (Zakat) and if you want that your body should remain healthy then give more charity and if you desire to live longer then take care of relatives and be kind to them and if you intend and hope that God may gather you with me on the Day of Judgment, then extend your prostrations for God Almighty." Folks to seek Allash’s forgiveness & reach close to Maqam-e Mamood we need to:-
5 .Summarily, if one desires nearness to Muhammad while continuing to sin, it is merely wishful thinking because sin leads to the neighborhood of Satans and Pharaohs. So there is no alternative to walk on the path of obedience and worship which leads to Paradise and the neighborhood of the Holy Prophet and the more one worships and obeys, the nearer he gets to Paradise and the beloved ones of God. Among the kinds of worship, prostration is more effective in creating spiritual nearness. Qur’an and a number of narrations have emphatically mentioned that there are some specialties in the matter of prostration. What is shown by the Imams is briefly listed below:
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