Southern Brazil is now deemed free area of foot-and-mouth disease
NBSO Southern Brazil
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands | Netherlands Business Support Office | Escritório Holandês de Apoio aos Negócios
The World Organization for Animal Health has recognized the Brazilian states of Rio Grande do Sul and Paraná as free of foot-and-mouth disease without the need for vaccinations. Since 2007 Santa Catarina was the only state in Brazil considered foot-and-mouth disease free without vaccination. The information was tweeted by the Agriculture Ministry Tereza Cristina Dias last Thursday, May 27.
In addition to their own achievements expected with the new sanitary status, Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul have a collective advantage. Within the country, they form the first vaccine-free foot-and-mouth disease block. This condition has equally positive side effects, assessing representatives of the public and private sectors of the three states.
Moreover, this sanitary advantage has a major importance to the southern states due to its high concentration of production and business. Together they account for 91% of Brazilian pork meat and 80% of poultry shipment.
The aim is to consider all of Brazilian territory to be foot-and-mouth disease-free without vaccination by 2026.
For more information, please contact NBSO Southern Brazil _ Porto Alegre