Philstar, 2019


The issue of South China Sea conflict taken the course for Malaysia to include in the list among ASEAN members states. Since Malaysia modifying claims to China partake none legal sources and origin under the legal of international law. Standing the fact, Malaysia firmly rejected the nine-dash line belongs to China. The historical narrative onwards South China Sea driven by China occupied relentlessly on rejecting the international law and ruling, and weeping claims of sovereignty over the sea has provoked the island and maritime boundaries.

Malaysia profound to be rational and consistent on sustain the international peace and following the legal instrument, UNCLOS. On behalf, Malaysia audacity to counterbalance the tension with modest bilateral relations with China is neutrality and deal with mutual-respect. In the issue, assure that the conflict within main power countries is not drawn and jammed in between covering its limit claims on territorial seas (Yusof, 2020).

Understanding from this matter, Malaysia-China relations recently became comparatively complex in the framework state of affairs. Argumentative changes in policy making recognized that UN Commission received the proposal from Malaysia regarding the Continental Shelf Restrictions in the South China Sea (Chong, 2020). Viewing the discourse, China regarded Malaysia to secure and retain low-profile by not interfering the large power combats. These intensifying disputes spurs the geopolitical uncertainty, legal meddling, and unequal power structure among the member claimants.

Malaysia witnesses the dispute and conflict beforehand within several decades fronting China rivalry across the South China Seas. Consciously located and bounded within ASEAN sovereign countries conceptualize the maritime waterways and navigational route ease the international trade activities. In string conditions, Malaysia encloses bilateral affairs to China whereas 'soft balancing' power strategize by Tun. Mahathir in 2018 turn into friendly livelihoods and conforming the pillars succession of ASEAN (Izal, 2020). Hence, Malaysia bilateral affairs with China preserve to sheltered as claimants via 'playing it safe' method modifying the safeguarding affluence and defence (Parameswaran, 2020).

Furthermore, Malaysia appealed the UNCLOS Article 15, as Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) display subjective maritime areas bordering the Straits of Malacca as useful and strategic trade areas, constructively dedicate to Maritime Nation. In precise, Malaysia outlines the 200 nautical mile EEZ from mainland, or island indicates the primary Law of the Sea (Evers, 2016). Particularly, Malaysia deemed the invasions from China to Malaysia EEZ heated the territorial debate, exclusively the maritime and naval seas. It seems that in the case of the South China Sea, Malaysia has to be significant vigour in preserving national interests, as well as in the existential conflict of being a friend along with opponent of China 'frenemy' (Loh, 2020).

As a consequence, Malaysia meant to play-safe with China's strict condition and hegemon ruling in the South China Sea areas. The geopolitics radical tightness taken roughly by each claimant, especially Malaysia urging the case on Spratly Islands to own according to the EEZ and 1982 UNCLOS. So far, Malaysia levelheadedness against China favour controlling the entire South China Sea considered illegitimate and unlawful decisive claim across the 1.4 million square miles dominating the island, reefs, shores and effected regions.

In final analysis, Malaysia firm validation rejecting the claims of China Nine-Dash Line became an illegitimate regime as accordance violate to international courts. Such persistency, Malaysia independently growing the geopolitical strategy and maritime policy such as foundational Defence White Paper (DWP). The long-term policy endures Malaysia to protect the sovereign, territorial rights, and comprehensive enforcement. Markedly, the national interest assuredly under the hands and accountability of government defending maritime seas and upholding the EEZ in conceding to international interpretation.

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Defense White Paper - Ministry of Defence (Website)



  1. Yusof, A. (2020). Malaysia should not be 'dragged and trapped between superpowers in South China Sea dispute: Hishammuddin. Channel News Asia.
  2. Chong, G. (2020). [South China Sea] Is Malaysia adopting a more confrontational SCS policy? Think China.
  4. Parameswaran, P., & Safe, P. I. (2015). Malaysia's approach to the South China Sea and implications for the United States. Maritime Strategy Series, Maritime Strategy Series (Washington, DC, 2015).
  5. Evers, H. D. (2016). Nusantara: Malaysia and the governance of the South China Sea. Malaysian Social Science Review, 1(1).
  6. Loh, J. (2020). South China Sea: Time to Display Firm Resolve. The ASEAN Post.

Ammar Izzat

Trust & Safety at Tiktok | Co-Founder at ATMA Studio | International Relations & Law | Content Creator

3 年

thanks iqhwan for sharing your thoughts regarding this matter. From my point of view, I understand that interests of China in the SCS with the Nine-Dotted Line map claim issued were strategic to strengthen their global power in Asia. However, it is such a selfish or in a good way to put this as a unilateral implication. The claim is related to sovereign rights over the potential wealth of the sea historically and geographically. Thus, there must be a fair solution that benefits to all conflicted countries and not only China.

Najiah Babar

Specialist, Member Relations @ UN Global Compact Network Malaysia & Brunei | Co-Founder of Global Affairs Minds

3 年

Thank you iqhwan for this. This is great, looking forward to reading more article (:


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