South Carolina passes new legislature regarding controlled substance scripts
If you're selling prescription pads in the state of South Carolina, make sure you get your customers updated scripts for controlled substances by July 17th, 2018. New legislature signed in to law on May 17th has all controlled substance (schedule II, III, IV, V) scripts on tamper-resistant paper effective July 17th. Scripts must contain one or more recognized features to prevent the following:
- Unauthorized copying of a completed or blank prescription form
- Erasure or modification of information written on the prescription by the prescriber
- Use of counterfeit prescription forms
Prescription drug orders transmitted by fax, orally or electronically are exempt.
Wilmer's standard secure line of prescription pads exceed these new regulations with a minimum of two security features from each section. For more information, visit, or contact your local sales rep.
Orders ship in 3-4 business days. There is still time for Wilmer to get your customer updated.