Sourcing Hard to Find Talent for Management Positions
As an HR manager or employer, you want to fill management positions with the best talent you can find. However, this is often a pretty challenging process for many building materials and commercial construction companies.
If you’ve been struggling to attract enough candidates for your key leadership positions consider using a combination of modern approaches and traditional recruiting techniques.
Create a candidate persona
The first thing you need to do is build an ideal candidate persona, which will help you precisely know who you are looking for. In our blog on Identifying Top Talent, we referred to this as creating A-Player profiles.
This is a critical part of sourcing hard-to-find talent for your management positions because skipping this step or getting it wrong makes your job of finding enough candidates far more difficult.
Master candidate engagement
Start connecting with prospective candidates via the channels or platforms of their choosing. It is important to maintain engaging conversations with the candidates on the particular medium they are most comfortable with. This can be via social media platforms, email, Messenger, etc.
It is also vitally important to use individualized and personalized messages to reach out to every one of them to deliver an excellent candidate experience.
How to use the right tools …
Want to know more about some of the best talent acquisition software?
Read more about this on our blog post here:
QUESTION: When #sourcing for top #management talent what is the role you struggle to fill the most? Share your comments and questions below.