Image Credit Blue Diamond Gallery


As the world shifts from stratified to precision medicine, sourcing for the right biospecimens to conduct clinical research has become even more complicated.

Researchers are constantly under pressure to find the right biological samples to support molecular research. At the same time, the regulatory and ethical demands are? greater and the stakes are much higher for any breach.?

When it comes to sourcing for quality biospecimens, most researchers look up to large biobanks as the most suitable vendors. Unbeknownst to them, smaller biospecimen procurement companies might actually be their best option.

Small to midsize research firms play a key role in the pharmaceutical research process. More often than not, they are the ones that incubate research projects until they are ready to be commercialized and they sell or out-license to larger companies. Unfortunately, their access to biospecimen procurement is limited due to-?

  1. They usually have smaller budgets to support their research.?
  2. They also are not likely to have established networks to support the biospecimen procurement process.?
  3. They often lack access to high level clinical research facilities where they can access biological samples.

Hence they must beat several odds in order to access the right specimen and at the right time and price point.?

A 2018 report by the Medicines Discovery Catapult and the BIA found that over 80% of SMEs in healthcare do not have adequate access to the biospecimens that they need for research.

?‘ … over 80% of SMEs surveyed agreed that access to biosamples is hugely important for commercial development … as many as 80% found accessing UK samples unexpectedly difficult with the result that 75% imported samples from abroad’. 2018 State of the Discovery Nation

This problem is not just confined to the UK but to other parts of the world as well. While SMEs may still be able to access the biospecimens that they need from the large biobanks, there are several benefits that may come from engaging smaller or startup biospecimen procurement firms.?

1. Increased Agility

Smaller biospecimen procurement firms are likely to have fewer decision makers.? This makes them more agile and gives them the ability to pivot faster when need arises. Larger biobanks are prone to have several silos that limit collaboration and innovation.

For example, an SME research firm needs small bespoke order for biospecimens that the biospecimen company does not offer at that moment. A leaner management team means faster decision making and quicker processes to ensure that such an order can be supplied, if possible. The level of innovation is greater at smaller? biospecimen procurement firms where out-of-the-box thinking is encouraged.

?2. Focused Expertise

You will find that most smaller biospecimen procurement firms? focus their energies on specific diseases or areas of clinical research. Such areas may include oncology, ophthalmology, dermatology etc. This means that they can readily offer recommendations and expert support, other than just providing biosamples.

It might also be easier to find a smaller biospecimen procurement firm that meets your unique research needs. For example, Garner Biosolutions works with several hospitals across India to provide ethically sourced and affordable biosamples.?

These collections are physician driven and those physicians can be accessed for clinical information, patient insight and longitudinal reporting on patient outcome. In larger biobanks, direct access to clinicians and patients is not possible. Often, many big biobanks buy from small companies like these to keep their inventory going, without the hassle of managing sites.?

Should you be carrying out a research project that requires representation from the Asian population, Garner Biosolutions is likely to meet this need. Other areas of expertise might include fields such as endocrinology, respiratory medicine, oncology, and gastroenterology among others.

3. Client Focused

Small biospecimen procurement companies are usually driven by a mission that's greater than profit margins. This allows them to commit to the greater good which is the success of the clinical research process and hence setting scientists up for success! They are likely to go the extra mile to ensure that their customers obtain highly specific biosamples that meet the research needs. For Example, in larger biobanks researchers have to work with whatever biosamples have been available to them. However, smaller biospecimen procurement firms may allow researchers to select the clinical population/ subpopulation that suits their research goals. No more settling for off-the-shelf inventories, you can partner with firms that place sources for biospecimens prospectively and prioritize customer needs.

In addition, the physician? team is likely to be more available to answer questions and offer support where needed since smaller biospecimen procurement firms work closely with the physicians on-site. Because of how nimble they are, smaller biospecimen procurement firms can afford to give maximum support to their customers.?

4. Cheaper to Access

Biospeciemen for research can be accessed from government-funded research organizations (CROs), academic research institutions, or patient run disease-specific foundations. However, there’s always a high demand from these sources, making it very difficult for startup biotech companies to access them. Even when they are accessible, they are likely to be out-of-budget for startup researchers because larger and well funded companies are competing for the same cohort. That’s where smaller biospecimen procurement companies come in.?

Considerations When Choosing a Biospecimen Procurement Firm to Partner With

These are some of the benefits that can be achieved by partnering with small biospecimen procurement companies for your biospecimen needs. However, do not assume that all biotech companies will offer all the above benefits. The section below discusses critical considerations to have in mind when choosing a small biospecimen provider.?

Racial and ethnic diversity in? biospecimen collection

To date, the enrolment of racial and ethnic minorities in clinical trials is still poor. The reasons for this are diverse, but this poses a significant challenge in carrying out clinical research that can be applicable to entire populations. In 2022, the FDA issued directives on the need to prioritize racial and ethnic diversity in biomedical research. However, this directive is yet to be fully implemented. Finding a biotech company that offers biospecimens from racially and ethnically diverse backgrounds can help to bridge the existing gap.

Wide Network of Partners

It's important that the biotech startup has access to? a wide network of partners such as hospitals that supply them with the biosamples that they need on demand. When customers require bespoke samples the biotech company should be able to put the order together in the shortest time possible. For example, Garner Biosolutions has exclusive access to top-tier Indian hospitals that allow them to collect complex biospecimens in record time since they are fully integrated in their labs. This prevents delays and costly inefficiencies in the research process.?

It is important that the biotech company has access to diverse samples across geographical locations, has validated and shipping systems, as well as import and export coordination.

Customized Support

Biotech startups require a lot of technical support to help them get through teething issues. This support may be in the form of patient selection, recruitment criteria, sample collection, and even processing and storage protocols. When selecting a biospecimen procurement partner it is important to assess the level of technical support their offer and ensure that it meets your unique needs and expectations.


High quality biospecimens are the hallmark of clinical research. However, sourcing for such biospecimens can be a daunting task especially for small to midsize clinical research firms that may lack large budgets or direct access to clinical trials.

Biospecimen procurement startups play a crucial, though often unrecognized, role in clinical research. They rise up to the occasion to fill the gap left by larger biobanks, providing clinical research SMEs with the samples that they need for research. Because of their size, biotech startups are able to focus their energies on meeting the priority needs of their customers as well as being affordable.?

Garner Biosolutions offers ethically sourced biospecimens that meet pre-approved US compliance standards. The biosamples can be customized to a bespoke order and can be shipped to any part of the world at an affordable rate to ensure that the research process does not stall. Contact us today to learn if we are the best fit for the next level of your clinical research.


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