Sources of Solace and Succor

Readings for meditation before the Intense Case Review experience at Work and inspirational prayers.[ Includes Mahatma Gandhi's Favorite Hymns]

Velandy Manohar, MD

Distinguished Life Fellow- Am. Psychiatric Association

Medical Director, Aware Recovery Care – CT [ARC]

President, ARC- In-Home Addiction Treatment, PC [IHAT]

From: “Prayers and Declarations for a meaningful Life” Julia Cameron, 

Jeremy P. Tarcher - Penguin Books. New York

Prayers to the Great Creator

From: “Prayers and Declarations for a meaningful Life” Julia Cameron, 

“If you look deeply into the palm of your hand, you will see your parents and all generations of your ancestors. All of them are alive in this moment. Each is present in your body. You are the continuation of each of these people.”

Thich Nhat Hanh

The Blood of Life flows through me.

We are not alone. We are privileged to carry in our blood and bone the Wisdom of those who have gone before us.

We carry their lives, even in the face of their deaths. In each of us there survive the lives of those who gave us life. In our children there survive the lives of those who gave us life. In our children and in our brain children., our own lives go forward.

Faced with the loss of a human love, I turn to Divine love within me which can accept that loss and carry forward the beloved whom I feel to beyond reach.

God is in me and I am in God. All that ever was, still is.

We are a divine energy, a divine life.

In our Dying, we live again.

In our Living, we die again.

There is no loss, which isn’t a gain carried forward.

In my moments of greatest sorrow, I am touched by the Joy of having loved.

In my times of greatest loss, I am still loved.

Love is not lost through loss. It is found more fully.

I cherish the love my loss has helped me find.

Velandy Manohar, MD

Distinguished Life Fellow, Am. Psychiatric Assoc.

Assisi: Pax et Bonum Anne Harrison | Friday, March 29, 2013 - 16:54

The wind swept over the square outside the Upper Basilica, filling the sky with grey clouds. St Francis sat astride his horse with bowed head. This statue captures the moment when, in 1204, the saint heard the voice of God telling him to leave the war and return home. The grass shivered and swayed; the rain was not far away.

Pax et bonum (peace and the good, the motto of St Francis), it is everywhere. Despite the hour, many people knelt before the tomb: nuns, monks, priests, schoolchildren, tourists. It is possible to walk around the tomb whilst others venerate, and there are plenty of pews offering places for solitude

 Image of statue in front of St. Francis Church in Assissi, Italy.

Prayer of St. Francis

Lord make me an instrument of your peace

Where there is hatred let me sow love

Where there is injury, pardon

Where there is doubt, faith

Where there is despair, hope

Where there is darkness, light

And where there is sadness, joy

O divine master grant that I may

not so much seek to be consoled as to console

to be understood as to understand

To be loved as to love

For it is in giving that we receive

St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi greeted the people of the thirteenth century with the expression “Pace e bene!” or “Peace and all good!” So much was expressed by this little phrase: May you have the fullness of well-being, may you be secure and happy; may you not want; may your dignity be respected; may the goodness in your inmost being flourish; may the world in which we live know this deep peace. It was a blessing, a hope, and a way of acknowledging the sacredness of those whom they encountered.

Great Hymns: 

[In a previous post my Essay, “ Mahatma Gandhi- 150th Birth Anniversary1, I included Mahatma Gandhi’s favorite hymns and Bhajans. He was especially fond of these Christian Hymns Abide with me and Lead Kindly light.. included here]

I. A  

Agnus Dei - Gregorian Chant

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis. Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis. Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, dona nobis pacem.[These luminous words are incorporated in the text of Gloria- Antonin Dvorak’s Mass in D Major- Op 86. Item I D below.

Maggie Wahls I year ago.

Which means (its Latin) "Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, grant us Peace".

I. B.

Pieta Signore

Ferdinando Paoletta

Published on Mar 31, 2011

+ Luciano Pavarotti [Magnificent] Luciano Pavarotti

HAVE MERCY, LORD Have mercy, Lord, on me in my remorse! 

Lord, have mercy if my prayer rises to you: do not chastise me in your severity. 

Less harshly, always mercifully, look down on me, on me. 

Never let me be condemned to hell in the eternal fire by your severity. 

Almighty God never let me be condemned to the eternal fire by your severity. 

Have mercy, Lord, Lord, have mercy on me in my remorse! 

If my prayer rises to you look down on me, Lord. Have mercy, Lord, on me in my remorse! 

Lord, have mercy if my prayer rises to you: do not chastise me in your severity. Less harshly, always mercifully, look down on me, on me. Never let me be condemned to hell in the eternal fire by your severity. Almighty God never let me be condemned to the eternal fire by your severity, by your severity.

Other fabulous renditions:

+ Tomine Mikkeline Exquisite full of feeling.13-year-old Norwegian Girl

+ Olga Pyatigorskaya: Magisterial

+ Alex Sanfilippo: Beautiful 

+ Angela Gheorghiu: Magisterial 

+ Irina Arkhipova : Mezzo Soprano- Soaring grand voice.

+ Inna Andriyash-Mis'ko; Mature splendid rendition

+ Andrea Bocelli- Live From Basilica Di Santa Maria Sopra Minerva, Italy / 1999 Lighter voice, pleasing rendition. He used chorus that nobody else did This provided substitute magisterium. 

I. C.

Ave Maria

By Franz Schubert

Ave Maria

 Gratia plena 

Maria, gratia plena

Maria, gratia plena

Ave, ave dominus

Dominus tecum

Benedicta tu in mulieribus

Et benedictus

Et benedictus fructus ventris

Ventris tuae, Jesus.

 Ave Maria

Ave Maria

Mater Dei

Ora pro nobis peccatoribus

Ora pro nobis

Ora, ora pro nobis peccatoribus

Nunc et in hora mortis

Et in hora mortis nostrae

Et in hora mortis nostrae

Et in hora mortis nostrae

Ave Maria

English translation:

Hail Mary, full of grace,

Mary, full of grace,

Mary, full of grace,

Hail, Hail, the Lord.

The Lord is with thee. 

Blessed art thou among women, and blessed,

Blessed is the fruit of thy womb,

Thy womb, Jesus.

Hail Mary!

Hail Mary, Mother of God,

Pray for us sinners,

Pray, pray for us;

Pray, pray for us sinners,

Now and at the hour of our death,

The hour of our death / The hour of our death,

The hour of our death / Hail Mary.

Andrea Bocelli, Maria Callas and Celine Dion have all recorded beautiful versions, as has the inimitable Luciano Pavarotti: [This is total evocative in a fabulous form ]

I. D

Gloria: The Gloria from Antonin Dvorak's Mass in D Major, performed in the 'Looking East' concert on November 18, 2012, by the Tucson Masterworks Chorale in Grace St Paul's Episcopal Church

Antonin Dvorak’s Mass in D Major- Op 86

Text is available in Latin and English at Words of Agnus Dei- the Gregorian Chant in Item I A is incorporated in this Mass.

I       E.

Hallelujah - Choir of King's College, Cambridge live performance of Handel's Messiah

Royal Choral Society: 'Hallelujah Chorus' from Handel's Messiah

The Royal Choral Society has performed Handel's Messiah on Good Friday at the Royal Albert Hall every year since 1876. The RCS filmed their performance on 6 April 2012 by kind permission of the Royal Albert Hall and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. This clip features the glorious Hallelujah Chorus

King of Kings,

Lord of Lords

And He shall reign forever And ever.

I F. The next two are hymns that Mahatma Gandhi Loved, cherished and treasured. These were incorporated into his Friday Worship which was coordinated all over the world.

Abide with me; fast falls the eventide; 

The darkness deepens; Lord with me abide. 

When other helpers fail and comforts flee, Help of the helpless, O abide with me. 

Swift to its close ebbs out life’s little day; Earth’s joys grow dim; its glories pass away; Change and decay in all around I see; O Thou who changest not, abide with me.

I fear no foe, with Thee at hand to bless; Ills have no weight and tears no bitterness. Where is death’s sting? Where, grave, thy victory? I triumph still, if Thou abide with me. 

Hold Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes; Shine through the gloom and point me to the skies. Heaven’s morning breaks, and earth’s vain shadows flee; In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me.

W.H. Monk 1823-89

Lead Kindly Light

The Pillar of the Cloud


I. G

LEAD, Kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom

     Lead Thou me on!

The night is dark, and I am far from home—

     Lead Thou me on!

Keep Thou my feet; I do not ask to see

The distant scene—one step enough for me.

I was not ever thus, nor pray'd that Thou

     Shouldst lead me on.

I loved to choose and see my path, but now

     Lead Thou me on!

I loved the garish day, and, spite of fears,

Pride ruled my will: remember not past years.


So long Thy power hath blest me, sure it still

     Will lead me on,

O'er moor and fen, o'er crag and torrent, till

     The night is gone;

And with the morn those angel faces smile

Which I have loved long since and lost awhile.

J.H. Newman 1801-90 Cofounder of the Cambridge University Musical Society.

He was in dire straits- unwell and uncertain he would ever make it to England from Italy

At Sea.

June 16, 1833.

I. G.

Lead Kindly Light, Pope Benedict XVI releases the glorious Presence of Jesus. Hyde Park, London UK

Between 8 pm and 8-30 PM, darkness had fallen and most of the assembled were on their knees, heads bowed in solemn prayer on the grass in Hyde Park when this hymn was sung with devotion and love. 

In devotion and reverence this Hymn was sung, " Lead Kindly Light". At this juncture the Presence of our Lord was tangible and vibrant. The PRESENCE was passing through like a wave. Do view and hear it.

Moments of this nature are very rare. Both Mahatma Gandhi and the first Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru, loved to hear this hymn. We also want to dedicate this precious hymn to all those who are mourning at the sad passing away of former President Nelson Mandela of South Africa.

I. H.

O God our help in ages past.. This is a hymn by Isaac Watts, who paraphrased the 90th Psalms. 

Psalm 90 starts thus: “ Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place is generations.” I am including this hymn because I am feeling quite concerned about the choices being made by leaders in Nations all over the World are making that is increasing the pain and suffering of millions of people and threatening our ability to live out our lives by pursing our truth in liberty and safety while attempting to add values to the lives of children of all people across the world by achieving the unmet urgent Millennium Development Goals[MDG] and to make robust progress towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals [SDG] which was launched in 2015.

Thus, we would be working toward achieving the Goals of Mahatma Gandhi and creating a Beloved World -Wide Community while forging with grit, creativity and resilience a more perfect Union in the United States of America. We must remember the Liberty Bell broke after it was rung the first time but that didn’t deter our capacity to try again and again to get our Union- one from many [E Pluribus Unum] to a higher ground and be the light of Freedom and hope for a better tomorrow for which we seek God’s grace with our thoughts, words and deeds as we raise our voices with this Hymn and all others to praise God and seek his grace. 

The Templar’s had it right, when they derived this prayer from Psalm 115.1 “Not unto us O Lord!, Not unto us, But to Thy Name give all the Glory” KJV, Psalm 115:1: “Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto Thy name give Glory, for Thy mercy, and for Thy Truth’s sake.” Mormon Tabernacle Choir. [Text]

1 Our God, our help in ages past, 

our hope for years to come, 

our shelter from the stormy blast, 

and our eternal home: 

2 Under the shadow of your throne 

your saints have dwelt secure; 

sufficient is your arm alone, 

and our defense is sure. 

3 Before the hills in order stood, 

or earth received her frame, 

from everlasting you are God, 

to endless years the same. 

4 A thousand ages in your sight 

are like an evening gone; 

short as the watch that ends the night 

before the rising sun. 

5 The busy tribes of flesh and blood,

with all their lives and cares,

are carried downward by your flood,

and lost in foll'wing years.

6 Time, like an ever-rolling stream, 

bears all its sons away; 

they fly forgotten, as a dream 

dies at the op'ning day. So, True about the millions of our fellow Americans who sacrificed their lives and sacred honor on the Altar of freedom. Semper FI

7 Our God, our help in ages past 

our hope for years to come:

O be our guard while troubles last, 

and our eternal home. Amen and Amen!

II. A. Scripture

Numbers 6:22-27

"Then the Lord spoke to Moses saying, 'Speak to Aaron and his sons, saying, "Thus you shall bless the sons of Israel. You shall say to them: 

The Lord bless you, and keep you; The Lord make His face shine on you,

And be gracious to you;

The Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace."'

So, they shall invoke My name on the sons of Israel, and I 

shall bless them."

Lord Jesus, a more recent of God’s precious messengers [Sadly they are few and are often martyred] also has expressed such benedictions.

   II.       B. Scripture

Psalm 127 KJV

Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.


Psalm 36: 5-12 KJV

5Thy mercy, O LORD, is in the heavens; and thy faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds.

6 Thy righteousness is like the great mountains; thy judgments are a great deep: O LORD, thou preservest man and beast.

7 How excellent is thy lovingkindness, O God! therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of thy wings.

8 They shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of thy house; and thou shalt make them drink of the river of thy pleasures.

9 For with thee is the fountain of life: in thy light shall we see light.

10 O continue thy lovingkindness unto them that know thee; and thy righteousness to the upright in heart.

11 Let not the foot of pride come against me and let not the hand of the wicked remove me.

12 There are the workers of iniquity fallen: they are cast down and shall not be able to rise.

III. A. Anthems

1. a.

Ode to Joy [Ad Die freude]

This is the final movement of Beethoven's Ninth and last Symphony. The German composer was increasingly aware of his declining health and spent seven years working on this symphony, starting the work in 1818 and finishing early in 1824. The symphony is one of the best-known works of the Western classical repertoire and is considered one of Beethoven's masterpieces.

Beethoven was completely deaf when he embarked on this masterpiece, and it's a tragedy that he never heard a single note of it except inside his head. At the end of the symphony's first performance the German composer, who had been directing the piece and was consequently facing the orchestra, had to be turned around by the contralto Caroline Unger so that he could see the audience's ecstatic reaction. Beethoven had been unaware of the tumultuous roars of applause behind him.

The Council of Europe and subsequently the European Union chose "Ode to Joy" as National Anthem of Europe.

Michael Jackson's 1993 single "Will You Be There," starts with an excerpt from a lesser known portion of the symphony's final movement.

1. b.

1. c Chicago Symphony Orchestra-Ricardo Mutti

1. d. 

Berlin Symphony Orchestra Conducted by L. Bernstein. Conducted by Leonard Bernstein, THE BERLIN CELEBRATION CONCERT is an historic performance marking the fall of the Berlin Wall. Performed on Christmas Day 1989 in the former East Berlin, the concert unites an international cast of celebrated musicians and vocalists for a moving performance of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony.

Four Major Orchestra participated. Maestro Bernstein made a Change from An die Freude for Ode to Joy to An Die Freedom to mark the Reunification of Germany. Symphonie-Orchester des Bayerisches Rundfunks and members of Staatskapelle Dresden, Orchestra of the Leningrad Kirov Theatre, London Symphony Orchestra, New York Philharmonic and Orchestre de Paris.

1. e Beethoven Symphony no.9 Choral Conducted by Leonard Bernstein.

1. f Beethoven Symphony no 9 Choral Bernstein [5] Tribute to Beethoven's Ode To Joy (Vocal) From Symphony No. 9 In D Minor, Op. 125 performed by the Philharmonia Chorus. Spectacular indeed- A spiritual Experience.

III.A 2.


Fanfare for the Common Man by Aaron Copland

In 1942, Copland was commissioned by the music director of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra to write a fanfare. The U.S. had entered World War II, and then-Vice President Henry A. Wallace was trying to rally Americans against imperialism. Copland was inspired by a speech Wallace gave that spring at the Free World Association in New York City.

Aaron Copland's "Fanfare for the Common Man" begins with dramatic percussion, heralding something big and exciting. Then comes a ladder of simple trumpet notes, solemn and heroic. The whole piece takes less than four minutes to play, but its admirers say it speaks volumes in that time.

"It's a piece that feels like it was written by God," says jazz trumpeter and composer Terence Blanchard. "Whenever I hear it, it stops me in my tracks and makes me reflect on the goodness of man. And I know that sounds corny for some, but it really makes me think about [how], at the end of the day, most people in this country are good, God-fearing people. Honestly, that could have been our national anthem."

"Some have spoken of the American Century," Wallace proclaimed. "I say that the century on which we are entering, the century which will come out of this war, can be and must be the century of the common man." This inspired Copland, who would later echo that sentiment himself, saying, "It was the common man, after all, who was doing all the dirty work in the war and the army. He deserved a fanfare."

"Fanfare for the Common Man" premiered on March 12, 1943, in observance of income tax time — something every "common man" has to endure. Since then, it has been performed for Presidents, played to honor victims at the opening of the National September 11 Memorial & Museum in NYC and lent a sense of gravity to television sports and news programs. It's even been heard in space: In 2008, NASA pilot Eric Boe chose it as wake-up music for his crew of astronauts on the space shuttle Endeavor.

"What it made me think about is that, holy cow, I'm in space!" recalls Boe, who first heard the fanfare when he was studying at the Air Force Academy. He calls it magical, like his voyages above the globe: "You're going around the planet once every 90 minutes, and just looking at the Earth and how beautiful it is and the thin layer that we call the atmosphere that's protecting the planet — and then hearing this great music that goes with what's going on down below."

Included in this article: A short Clip of the Overture: Marin Alsop leads the S?o Paulo Symphony Orchestra in the opening section of Copeland's "Fanfare for the Common Man" in 2012. Broadcast by BBC

2. b. 

Copland: Fanfare for the Common Man - National Symphony Orchestra with Yo Yo Ma and Joseph Weilerstein

 3. c Must let it soak in the sights, the sounds and the thousands of memorable objects left behind by martyrs who will never be forgotten.

Fanfare for the Common Man: New York Philharmonic. 9-11 museum closing ceremony. Video of Music Accompanied with very moving pictures of objects gathered after the catastrophic explosions.

Introduced by Mayor of NYC His Honor Michael Bloomberg

IV.B “These are my People”, By Johnny Cash

This is what I would inscribe at the base of a commemorative statute or Column for one of favorite poets and balladeers who triumphed over very great challenges


These are my people

This is a land where my forefathers lie

These are my people

In brotherhood, we're heirs of a creed to live by

A creed that proclaims that by loved one's blood stains

This is my land, and these are my people

These are my people

They were born on and lived by the land

These are my people

And their cities were raised by hardworking hands

And their faces do tell that they're holding on well

To this, their land

Yes, these are my people

These are my people

These are the ones who will reach for the stars

These are my people

By the light of the Earth, you can tell they are ours

A new step to take and a new day will break

For this, my land

Yes these are my people

These are my people


Mahatma Gandhi relationships with people of all strata of life, caste, creed, nationality, race, cultural heritage and circumstances of birth and his fond hopes and fervent prayers for their future is accurately and evocatively expressed in this humane and compassionate heartfelt ballad by the Man in Black- Johnny Cash.

Mahatma Gandhi devoted all the energy he could bring to bear in his missions to seek grace by offering his actions and the fruits of his endeavors to Almighty God and to interact with all those who consider their work as worship as his relatives and seek to uplift all mankind because he considered the universe as his mother land. There is Hindu Prayer that expresses these beliefs. {Mata Cha Parvati Devi, Devo Maheshwara…}

IV.C. Maestro Brother Ray’s unique evocative rendering of America the Beautiful

America- The Beautiful !

Composer : Samuel A. Ward , Katharine Lee Bates


Oh beautiful, for heroes proved,

In liberating strife,

Who more than self, their country loved,

And mercy more than life,

This America, sweet America, may God thy gold refine,

Till all success be nobleness

And every gain devined.

And you know when I was a little boy,

I remember we always sing it like this :

Oh beautiful, for spacious skies,

For amber waves of grain,

For purple mountain majesties,

Above the fruited plain,

America, America,

God done shed his grace on thee,

Oh yes He did, He did

He crowned thy good, oh don't you remember?

In a brotherhood,

From sea to shining sea.

You know, I wish I had somebody

to help me sing this

America, I love you America, you see,

My God he done shed his grace on thee,

And you oughta love him for it,

He, he, he, he, crowned thy good,

He told me he would, with brotherhood,

From sea to shining sea

Oh,yea Jesus, I want to thank you Lord.


This is a short deeply satisfying Prayer of Loving Kindness from the Buddhist spiritual tradition that I humbly recommend. Please feel free to select your favorite Mantras. There may be more than one mantra that provides comfort, solace and restores equilibrium that you may want to archive and have it handy.

“May all beings be peaceful.

May all beings be happy.

May all beings be safe.

May all beings awaken to 

the light of their true nature.

May all beings be free”

 - Metta Prayer

Metta is one of the four pre-eminent Brahma Viharas describing Meditation practices and Virtues: I would like to translate Brahma Viharas as Divine abodes. It is our choice to be committed to take residence in these dwellings which embody these divine, supremely sublime mental propensities. Please consider perusing and reflecting on the wisdom infused in these scriptures of the Buddhist Faith tradition.

1. Loving Kindness or Benevolence- Metta

2. Compassion or Karuna

3. Empathetic Joy- for the good fortune whether experienced by our adversaries or our family or friends- Muditha

4. Equanimity- Upekkha.

Ba aur Bapu Amar Rahe [ May Kasturba and Mahatma Gandhiji live in the hearts of all forever.]

Velandy Manohar, MD,

Distinguished Life Fellow, Am. Psychiatric Association.

Am. Health Council- Best in Medicine 2018

Member- Governance Committee, Community Advisory Board- Office of Health Strategy-CT

CT. State Medical Society- Member- Ethics, Disaster Preparedness and Quality of Care Committees

In-Home Addiction Treatment -IHAT Institute – Impact Award Winner- 2019


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