Sources & Pleas
Veronika ?uffová-Kun?ová
Content, sense, law and sensibility with a zest of creativity.
Blessed are the losers who break through clouds of adverse darkness and speak to the gatekeeper. For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
These are the real winners.
Those will succeed.
It will be integrated through the ever-weaving karma loom into the multicoloured web of our, through several lives impregnated life experience.
But only if they will speak with their tongue, authentically, their thoughts, words and acts aligned.
To address the giver and thus trigger the right envoy, it may not help you shout it loud, yet, it can help outbalance your emotions.
The giver is not the public. The giver is not learning your quotes by heart. The giver is not deaf-and-dumb. The giver is complete and does not have blackened senses.
This invisible matchmaker never sleeps. To call its miraculous powers out to action, one must get aligned within the natural hierarchy, being played out by the consciousness as an experienced general, which subjugates the mind as its analytical intelligence unit and uses the heart as an executive force in the field.
It may be helpful to spell, recite or chant the mantra, though, once you passionately believe in them. Nevertheless, it cannot beat the upfront outcry of your spirit and soul acting as one, so unified in a moment of emotional overwhelming, whether by desperation or happiness.
You feel it in your chest. It pours out naturally, and such spirit & soul unity relieves you by pulling the right words in the right order, out of the knot which has almost choked you up, making you considerably negative, impotent & numb.
The crinkum-crankum of your thoughts, words and actions has already reached such a stadium of mess-up that you resigned to the accustomed crutches and everyday rituals. They did not help. Simple and plain, the eternal truth pushing for the eternal change has gained momentum.
Thus, you must follow only prayers, affirmations, or mantras you can identify with. You are free to invent them by yourself. At least in a democratic country, you are free to work out and overhaul the sacred-saint script worshipped for centuries as only one source of only one truth. At least, theoretically.
Practically, your deep spiritual work can be put against the persisting laws on blasphemy. No, your throat will not be slit as about in a country where sharia dominates, but you still end up morally defeated once the law & order of the country you live in outweigh your interest in self-development and growth, forbidding you to twist and turn something stuck in the dust of the past.
People who did the third or higher education cycle, meaning wrote completion, rigorous or PhD thesis, know they must abide by rules. It is forbidden to quote sources without referring to the authors, original work, editor, pages, and edition date. Nonetheless, your thesis was deemed to bring along something new, so you could not rely purely on the quotations of others. Evaluated by the ends of your work, you were to prove your ability to master a huge volume, diverse sources, and levels of information, to synthesize as well as analyse in an intelligible, value-added, and appealing manner.
You were strictly forbidden to mix up different sources without adding the note upon the right to alter, share, commercialize or mesh the source with something else, whether yours or not.
The exact opposite is going in social networks, where people tend to mix apples with beats. Some dare to be upfront and present themselves in person, nonetheless, the majority prefers to take over videos of different and dubious sources with attempts to impress or commercialize themselves with quotes and personal wisdom.
The recent Slovak plagiary scandals have sent shockwaves through our country and the EU around. The politician who screamed the most was found to suffer from the same kind of illness - plagiarism in a public broadcast, spoiling our image widely & internationally.
Yes, it was related to their university studies, and it happened a long time ago, yet, given that the incriminated are my buddies one could have felt almost personally offended.
(Yee, computers were not up there to prove-check the originality of the text)
Along this way, the highest constitutional officials - premier, parliament chair and former parliament chair were found cheating and asked to give up their titles.
Notwithstanding, what does it bring, if they stay where they are?
The country cannot allow another political turmoil, though. The contemporary political stars became visible by playing the Spanish inquisition, impeaching by the rule of thumb, shrilling, burn the corrupted, burn the murderers!
Oops, and two "murderers" recently acquitted!
Assuming none of their voters took them for the intellectual elite, how could they anticipate having their hands clean?
It is the politics, where the hands are washed.
Politics became the way how mea culpa works for bamboozlers.
They may subconsciously feel to get redemption through the political hustle, putting off the criminal, tax, or other procedures they have hung up into.
Hence, I am not surprised.
To adjourn what must come, what is inevitable, karma, though, is like casting aside your vital functions. It resembles meaningless efforts to delay the final deadline. Death.
That's why politics became a wrestling arena, instead of a breathable place where people weightlift elegantly.
Still, I will continue to make a plea before the only true actor, as a creative believer, aware stakeholder, and applicant of opening the gate, not to acquire the abundance in evanescence but in eternity.
“Ask, and what you ask will be given you.
Search, and you will find what you search for.
Knock, and the door will open to you.”
(Matthew 7:7)
For there is a bread beyond the one, to eat sate & feed the hungry, by anyone.
Without it, life would not be what it is, in everyone.
And that is what makes us one.
Sources & Pleas by Veronika Zuffova-Kuncova is licensed under a Creative Commons Uvedenie Autora-Nekomer?né Pou?itie-?iadne Odvodené Diela 4.0 Medzinárodny License.